Chapter 9

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"-of course.... I know... how to... craft the.... Meddler Drive... Who doesn't!?" You growled at the organic

He put his human servos up in surrender, "I-I was just asking for some help, I-Im not well versed in Cybertronian technology."

You raised a brow and leaned over the organic, "Didn't you... build your... empire from... reverse engineering.... Cybertronian technology?"

"I-I umm..." he stammered condensation covering his face

"That's what... I thought..." you spoke, "Don't doubt... me Sumdac... I know.... a lot... more than... you think."

You turned back to your work crafting crude tools for yourself out of highly recycled items and it was taking way longer than you wanted.

You turned with a jerk when you heard a knock on the door. Shaking your frame slightly to walked over and opened it.

You blinked up the the blue-faced mech. Your brows lowered and your jaw slackened.

"Yes Blitzwing?...." you seethed optics narrow

He slowly and awkwardly slipped down onto one knee joint. His digits tapped against his extended thigh and you raised a brow.

"Ve -erm- I... umm.. you... enerkon kootie?" He spoke nervously

"Energon goodie?... that's really... all you... got?" You spoke

"Don't mock me! I am trying to vin pack your sbark! You frag! Vy can't you chust loffe me akain!?" He bellowed as Hothead

"Mmmhmm." You hummed crossing your arms over your chassis, "I think... you know..."

"Oohohoho! You sdill smell of enerkon und Baxdianian flovers!" The random personality laughed

You raised a brow at the random out burst, "Yes... and?"

"Bleaze mein flover? I vill not fail you zis time. I bromize mein sbark on it! I vill not fail!" What surprised you was the Icy was speaking louder than usual

"And how... am I.... supposed to.... believe that?" You snarled

"Pecauze now I realise vat I'll loze if don't....." he whispered causing your optics to soften

You finally saw the begging shine to his optics the way his dermas parted pathetically.

You sighed and looked away, "I..." you closed your optics, "I'll decide... at a... later date..."

With that you closed the door and went back to work.

You ignored the storm of questions from the fleshy as you welded a tool together lost in your own thoughts.

"It's chust ein rah-tah-dah!~" the personalities voice giggled

"Rah-tah-dah?" You asked pushing a servo out at each vowel

He cackled, "Nein you zilly little sbarkling! Like zis! Rah!" He placed a servo on his hip, "Tah!" He placed his other servo on the other hip, "Dah!" He dropped to one knee

You raised a brow, "I still don't see the usefulness of this Blitzwing."

"Vell I don't zee zee uzefulness of making pots ko brocezor-offline!" Hothead snapped going back to Random, "Vait... ja I do!"

You rolled your optics at the well meaning bot, "I should be working anyways."

You turned only to have a faceplate shoved in your backstruts and arms trapping you in place.

"BLITZWING!" You giggled squirming

"Nein! You're not leaffing undil you learn to dance!" The mech yelled

"But I can't you idiot!" You laughed


"Huh!?" You shouted suddenly waking from your day dream

"YYYOW!" You shouted jerking the welder away from your servo

"Y-you looked like you got-"

"I KNOW... WHAT HAPPENED!" You shouted trying to tug your servo free of the table before the metal cooled.

You tugged your servo free closing and opening your servo over and over until the small chunks of metal fell off and to the ground.

You vented harshly and shook your servo out.

"Frag..." you spoke looking at the servo imprint in the metal table

"What happened?" The human asked meekly

"Since I... was caught... by the... Autobots I've... had troubles... focusing on.. things." You spoke placing the welder down

"What did they do?"

"Do you... think I... always looked... like this?" You hissed hatefully

"The Autobots... did that, to you?"

"No, I... did this.. to myself.." you spoke sarcastically, "THE Autobots... did this... scrap to... my once... prefect form!"

"W-why would they?"

You chuckled, "your heroes... aren't exactly... what you... think they... are."

You turned and placed the tool you were working on safely away and grabbed the shocked organic and lifted him into his little dig out hole up on the ledge.

"Good night~" you cooed going to lay down and contemplate your onlining

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