Part 1: The hidden truth

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Disclaimer note

Hi, we just wanted to say that this book does contain violence, mature scenes and is not for a younger audience. Please note that we do not condone the behaviour that has been written and that it is just fiction. Please do not try anything that has been written. It is for the book purpose only. 

Thank you and enjoy :)

Valentina P.O.V

We wake up every morning, 7.35 am, and it's the same routine: Breakfast, Warehouse check, train, dinner, sleep. Every day, Monday to Sunday. It's boring, but that is the life we live and have been brought up to live. Some days we get a mission which is often but not often enough. I love the action in a fight; it gets the blood pumping and the adrenaline running. My Madre was the same and loved to fight. The stories of her fighting are legendary around the family. I wish we could have our Madre back even for a day. Our mother died when we were 14 tragically, and our brother couldn't handle losing her, so he left, and we don't know where he went. It still feels like it happened yesterday.


Cenia and I race down the corridor playing tag; When we hear a thud from the parlour room, we give each other a look before bursting through the door. Once we open the door padre stops us and looks at us with concern "Vamos chicas, tenemos que irnos." (Come on, girls, we have to leave.) He says rapidly and picks us up, and rushes us out the house. I look to Cenia with worry; what was happening? We made out way to the warehouse, and he put us into the panic room. After that day, we never saw our mother ever again, and Mateo abandoned us. Padre told us Madre died while the Russians had invaded, and Mateo left with a large sum of money as he never wanted this life or the throne promised to him.

Flashback over


I hate Mateo. I hate him for leaving us here with this monster that we have to call father. All he wants is for us to be killing machines with no feelings, attachments or self-respect. We hate the way he treats us, but he is our Padre at the end of the day, and we still love him.

I wake up to my alarm going off and let's just say I'm not a morning person as I hurl it off the wall. I will force myself to get up and walk to my bathroom. After taking a nice long cold shower, I change my pyjamas for black jeans paired with a black blouse and heels. In other words, my uniform. It contrasts nicely with my sun-kissed skin and long shiny blonde hair that cascades down my back. I walk out of my room simultaneously, which Cenia does, and we both nod to each other. She's wearing similar clothes but with combat boots. She will always jump at the chance to wear them. Her sun-kissed skin makes her look golden against her fair blonde hair that travels down her lower back. We both walk down the gleaming white marble staircase and into the dining room for breakfast. We see everybody sitting waiting for the maids to bring breakfast out in the dining room.

"Looking good, Valentina", Leonardo winks, eyeing me up, and it's disgusting. We had a one night stand, and now he thinks he means something to me, but I wink anyway. I'm a flirt which earns me a punch from Cenia. She shakes her head at me as we take our seats around the table. Breakfast arrives, and we dig in. After eating, we then leave the house to check on the warehouse. Looking at the documents on my desk, I notice something is missing.

"Miss Alverez. There seems to be a quarter of our drugs missing," Lyle says, quivering in fear of what I might do. I look up from my desk, staring at a shaking body with wide eyes.

"Well, we better catch who's doing it then, shouldn't we," I say smoothly, he nods, and I walk around him out the door to Padre's office in the warehouse. I take a seat in his big comfy chair facing the computer screen.

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