~Chapter 19~

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"*insert quote here*"


(F/O.f) - Fav. Outfit

A/n- this abbrev. might be a bit elaborate to put into an abbreviation but whatever :/


*(Y/n)'s POV*

You woke up to the sound of loud talking. It was drowned out and garbled though, so you couldn't tell what the people are talking about. So you got up from your laying position and sit up. The muffled talking sounded like it was coming from outside, getting closer to the house.

You, groggy and just wanting to sleep forever, didn't really appreciate these people. Your stomach growled. You furrowed your brows at the sound. What time was it anyway? About eight o'clock? At least that's what your eternal clock told you. Eh, too early.

So you do your best to ignore them and close your eyes, then flopped over, pulling the blanket over yourself again trying to fall back asleep. You're too lazy right now to get food.

However, you were interrupted by the door slamming open. You jolt from your sleeping position once again and whip your head to the door.

"-AND SO I SAID, F**K YOU!" A loud cackle followed by a flirtatious giggle echoed in the living room.

Standing in the doorway were the Terrible Papyrus and Mettaton the robot. You remember the metal monster at Muffet's Bakery when you and Frisk went to the wedding meeting there. He was staring at the boisterous Papyrus with a weird look you could only place as an "in-awe" look. He was also carrying a large black suitcase that was lined with hot pink and red.

"Language, Papyrus," You groggily say, rubbing your eyes before getting off the oversized couch. This shouting is going to give you a headache, plus the hunger pains. 'I maybe need to work up a swear jar...' You thought.

"OH, SORRY," Papyrus apologized. Mettaton ripped his gaze from Papy to you, four robotic yet realistic eyes staring at you in... wonder? 'Wait... why does four-eyes have a suitcase, ?' Papyrus clears his non-existent throat and repeats.

"AND SO I SAID, HAVE A NICE DAY!" You mentally chuckle at his rewording and nodded. Papyrus continued to close the door behind him as Mettaton walked up to you and held out one of his four gloved hands for you to shake.

"Well, nice to meet you again, darling (Y/n)!" He said cheerfully, his four eyes looking over your figure. You shook his hand and retracted yours back. "You too." Ack,  his red clothes are too flashy.

"I'm so excited for today," Mettaton says, smiling even wider (if that were possible). You pause. 'Wha...?'

"Why?" You ask, so confused.

"Well, due to recent events in your case, which I am gravely sorry for you, I took it upon myself to take you out on a shopping trip!" He says while posing dramatically. You inwardly suck in a breath as a pang of sadness bloomed in your heart. Oh yeah, the fire. Let's not talk about that.

"No, you don't have-,"

"Nonsense, it is an honor for me to serve a friend of mine!"

"But I don't have money-,"

"It's not going to cost you a penny, darling. It's rewarding enough to see you happy with new things, especially with my brand!"

You pause from shock.

"W... Where are we shopping at?" You finally manage to spit out.

"At my own mall of course!"

Oh. This is going to be exciting! Questions piled in your mind in excitement and awe. Mettaton is so nice. Mettaton sat the suitcase up and let go of it.

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