~Chapter 18~

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"Don't be afraid."



*(Y/n)'s POV*

You shot up from the depths of sleep, eyes wide, completely confused and a bit frightened. Your, more like Sans', sweat-soaked pajamas clung to your body uncomfortably. The blanket covering you before was on the floor below the couch while the pillow was practically discarded from across the dark room.

The dream, more like a nightmare, you had was probably the worst one out of all of the other dream-nightmares from what you could remember.

You could recall that most of your nightmares were memories but were imagined with horrible outcomes.

But, it was always nice to see your father again. Your strong and loving caretaker ever since that woman left. You'd never forget him.

But the new figure. Those piercing red eyes was another thing you couldn't forget. That's what shook you.

Feeling that your throat was a little rough and dry, you get up from the couch, picking up the discarded blanket and pillow from the floor and putting them back on the couch, and walk to the kitchen to get some water. The light in the kitchen was on, but it wasn't bright enough to wake you up.

There was a clock hanging on one of the walls in the kitchen as you stepped into it. You stared at it.

12:07 am.

The hand that counted the seconds endlessly circled the clock as you tried to comprehend what time it was. Welp, you woke up too early. 

Seeing that the cupboard was WAY out of your reach, you grip the edges of the countertop and hoist yourself up onto its surface. You open a cupboard door to find many glass cups set neatly on the shelves. 

Probably Papyrus' work. 

You grab a glass and, ever so slowly and carefully not to fall, crawl across the counter to the sink's faucet and fill the cup with cool, clear water.

All of a sudden, the surrounding temperature starts to drop colder and colder. You shudder as you feel like someone was watching you from behind, so you look over your shoulder to see nothing.

Furrowing your brows, you went back to watching the glass fill with water, trying to shrug off the feeling of paranoia. The sensation only starts to grow.

Time seemed to be an illusion at this point. Stopping and starting again. But now, everything was paused.

You look back again and almost falling off the counter while letting out a yelp.

There standing in the entrance of the kitchen was that person from your dream. The one that looked freakishly like Frisk. Its face seemed to melt the way your father's face did. But the eyes and mouth had what seemed to be black ink flow from it, trailing down its face.

The light overhead shone down on this figure, defining more of its facial features. YEP, they looked exactly like Frisk.

Piercing red eyes staring at your (E/c) ones. Burning to holes in your frame.

You blink and the figure vanished. An echoing giggle rang out in the kitchen, sending chills up your spine once again.

When you look back at the sink, you see that your glass is overflowing with water. 

"Ack, pay attention, (Y/n)," You quietly croak to yourself as you rush to turn the faucet off. You jump off the counter with your glass in hand and take drink after drink of the water. It washing away the dryness and rough throat.

"what'r ya doin' up this early, sweetheart?" A deep, groggy voice asks.

"AH!" You yelp while water spilled from your mouth onto your chest, almost dropping your glass of water.

You look to where the source of the voice was to see Sans leaning against the kitchen door frame. You both lock eyes for a few seconds before ripping your gaze from him.

You stay silent while finding the floor the most interesting thing in the world.

"nightmare?" He asked. You slightly nod.

Another pause.

"What about you?" You ask, breaking the silence while looking back at him.

"same her', came ta get some mustard," He replies. You hum and step out of the way for him to get to the fridge, which was right behind you.

You watch Sans as he opens the fridge door and fishes out a mustard bottle and closing it. He opens the cap and takes a swig. You stay silent as you find the floor being super interesting to look at. Again.

Sans puts his mustard bottle down and leans against the counter as he stares at it.

"you should go back to sleep. we have a big day planned fer' you," Sans stated. You nod in understanding. 

"Well, good night, Edgy," You say, while sleepily exiting the kitchen with water glass in hand. Sans seemed to widen his eyes at the nickname, before shrugging.

"'night," He replies as he vanishes with a pop sound. Probably teleported to his room. You sigh. 

You surrender the comfy couch once again and you're out like a light.





I'm back! I'm not dead, I was just figuring out some things and stuff... BUT I need to update this cuz I want you reader-chan to see what is gonna happen but REEEE

this is shorter but I just had to finish this.

This chappie has been nagging at me and with the future chappies as well XD

It's so annoying.. I've been working on some things (like another book) and just planning this book thoroughly.

But here you go!

Hope you readers enjoy my things that I consider trash and have a nice day/night!

I really want you readers to know that I am SO grateful for your support! You inspire and motivate me to write these things, like, omg I can't describe it! Thank you all SO much!!

Anyways, bye!~

*Queen OUT*

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