~Chapter 17~

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"If it doesn't open, it's not your door."


(S/c) - Soul color


*3rd POV*


Darkness is all around her. She looked about her. 

The darkness seemed to be unending. 

It's like she's floating, but no sense that she is. She can see herself, but nothing else if she was in a room.

She's just sitting there in this darkness, seeming to be thinking about something.

But what?

Nothing was in sight in this void.

Nothing can rid of this blackness.


She called out.

"Hello...?" She paused, waiting to hear... 


"Is anyone there?"

Silence. Nothing greeted her but that deafening silence and unending darkness. Only echoes of her own voice whisper back.

Then, she feels warmer. Like a heavy blanket that had just been dropped onto her body. A sudden weight I might add... just like a heavy blanket.

She looks down at her lap where her delicate hands lay. 

This warmth. 

It feels nice.

She closed her eyes, smiling. 

When she opened them again there was a light. A calm radiating light filled this dark void.

Floating right in front of her was a cartoonish heart.

Swirls of gold and silver surrounded this heart.

The color of this heart is (S/c). A soft color that could bring comfort to anyone's day.

She stared at this heart, mesmerized. It pulsed, just like a heart. A rhythm that can put a crying child to sleep.




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