Chapter eight

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"Do you have something that you need to tell me?" He questions.

My heart drops into my stomach and I just know that it is all over. I struggle to speak but then finally manage, "Trevor, I.."

He held his hand up, stopping me mid-sentence.

"I.. I can't believe this." The words leave his mouth and I didn't think my heart could sink any further. I was so so wrong.

I'm frozen there in that moment. I don't know what to do, what to say. My heart is beating so hard in my chest that it is making it hard for me to breathe. He's still just looking at me to say something. Anything.

"Baby, are you?" I shake my head trying to clear it. He asked me something but I didn't hear it. I look at him, the tears pricking at my eyes. That's when I see it on his hand, the little black and white picture from yesterday.

"Angela, are you pregnant?" His voice is rushed and frantic now, waiting for my response.

The breath that I hadn't even realized that I had been holding in is finally released and relief washes over my entire existence. "Wh..what?" I walk towards him, trying to act calmer than my heart will let me feel. The adrenaline still pumping strong through my veins.

"I found this. It was in my notebook that I left on the table.. I..Are you pregnant?" He stares down at the little picture and then back at me.

"No.. no no. I'm not pregnant." I place a hand over my own belly instinctively, wishing that was the only thing happening to me. That would be much easier than, 'Hey Trevor, I fucked a random guy in Miami and I'm having dinner with him tomorrow.' I push the thought from my mind, knowing I would never say that. Especially in that way.

"I'm so confused. It says A. Hart up here in the little text area. You're A. Hart." He gives me a puzzled look and points to the name on the picture.

"I am A. Hart, but you're forgetting that my sister is also A. Hart remember? Her first name is Amy." I smile at him and take the picture from his hands. "You're gonna be an uncle."

A moment passes and he finally brings his palm up to his forehead, laughing softly.

"I cannot believe.. phewww. I had thirty-six strokes within those three minutes. Not that I wouldn't love to have a baby with you, I just would need two more jobs."

I laugh and place my hands onto either side of his face, leaning up to kiss him.

"Well lucky for you, I'm on the pill. No babies for us anytime soon. At least not until after we pull off this wedding."

He kisses me back and wraps his arms around my back, his hands rested on my lower back. I pull my head back and note the smell of something burning in the air. Almost just as soon the smoke detectors ringing loudly around us.

"THE FOOD!" I take off towards the kitchen and open the oven causing more smoke to billow out everywhere. I pull the blackened bread out and sit it onto the counter before turning off the burner that is heating the overcooked pasta.

The sound of the alarms finally stops and Trevor opens the doors to let some of the smoke out before returning to check on me in the kitchen.

"So.. pizza?" He smiles and holds up his cellphone. I just sigh and nod giving him the go ahead.


The lights that hung over head shined a dim yellow light that lit up the deep blue patio furniture, the plants sat in the middle of the coffee table drooped over the edges of their home, sort of like my heart now that the scare from earlier had passed.

For better, For worse | Louis Tomlinson |Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt