Chapter four

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The sun hung low, a pink shade painting the LA sky like a giant cotton candy dream. A far stretch from the nightmare reality I had in my office only a few short hours ago. I looked ahead of me to the miles of unmoving traffic and sighed out loud before resting my forehead onto the steering wheel.

Nikki and I had talked for a very long time about her situation and what we were going to do. I told her that it wasn't fair for her or her baby, my future niece or nephew, to suffer just because of a mistake that I had made. I told her I would support her in whatever decision she made, even if it resulted in a heartbreaking conversation with Trevor. I just wanted what was best for her and her unborn child.

I felt bad that she even felt the slightest bit uncomfortable to tell me about her pregnancy because of this whole mess. Having kids was something we had dreamed about since we were little girls. She was already freaking out at the fact that she was going to be a mom before she was really ready to but even more so because neither one of us had any clue on how to get in touch with the baby daddy. She didn't need my problems on top of that.

"Maybe I'm not even pregnant. Maybe it was a false positive. That can happen right?" Her words ran through my head over and over. I felt guilty for having a slight hope of their truth. The sound of a car horn blaring shook me from my thoughts and I continued on my slow drive home.

My house was only a 15 minute drive from work but with the after work traffic it took close to an hour to get there. I pulled into the driveway just as Trevor was closing the garage door and he quickly opened it back up for me, pretending to be hit by my car as I parked. I honked my horn at him causing him to jump at the sudden noise.

"Fuck getting hit by a car, you're gonna kill me with a heart attack, woman." He held his hands up to his chest as I stepped out of the car shrugging off his comment. "Don't try me. I watch a lot of deadly women." He smiled and pulled me into his arms, giving me a quick kiss. "Is that right? Well let me just tell you, I would gladly be murdered by someone this hot."

I rolled my eyes and tried to pull away from him but he tightened his grip. "But just a little note of advice, you don't get the insurance money until we're married and even then, I don't know what you're gonna buy with twenty-six bucks." I started to laugh and quit struggling and just hugged him back. "Twenty-six you say? Now I just need like thirty-four more husbands to kill and I can afford those new shoes I want."

He narrowed his eyes at me, "That would be the worst thing you could ever do. We would all ban together and you would never have a moments peace." I laughed pulling away from his embrace and walked into the house. "Oh, so kind of like now?" "Hey! You told me you loved when I wake you up in the middle of the night to help me grade papers I forgot about."

I could hear Bella barking from the back patio and I walked to the cabinet to get her a treat before I went to let her in. "Oh yes, I love sleep deprivation. How did you know?" I smiled as I spoke to indicate I was only joking and he came up behind me grabbing onto my ass, cupping my cheeks with both hands. I laughed as he pushed me forward against the counter, playfully jiggling them.

"I know because of all the times you have woken ME up in the middle of the night because you've had a sexy dream and want a piece of this." He turned and slapped his own ass before sitting himself up on the counter. I laughed out loud while walking to the patio door to let in my very impatient little pup. "Whatever you have to tell yourself, baby."

We decided to order take-out since it was later than usual when I got home from work and we ate and cuddled up on the couch watching true crime documentaries until Trevor was snoring softly on my shoulder. I pet his hair back and looked at his sleeping face. His eyes twitched every so often but for the most part he looked incredibly peaceful. I felt the guilt slowly creep from my stomach up to my throat threatening to suffocate me.

For better, For worse | Louis Tomlinson |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora