Chapter nineteen

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Trevor and I had spent the last few hours grading some of the homework he had brought home. We chatted idly about his workday and he laughed when I told him about Louis breaking the window.

"You can't even tell, honestly." He admired the handiwork of the man who had stopped by earlier to repair it.

"Yea, he was pretty good. Fast too." My mind wasn't where it should be and it showed in my lack of interest in the conversation.

My mind kept drifting back to the cellphone and who exactly "E" was. Not that it was any of my business. Why should I care? He's allowed to do whatever or whomever he pleases, he's a single man. I however, am not. I needed to get better control of myself.

"Babe?" Trevor's voice lifted me from my thoughts and brought me back to reality.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"I asked how much it costed? Are you okay? I asked you like three times" He laughed lightly pausing to take a drink from his water bottle.

"Yea, yea, I'm fine. Just thinking about the party. I still have a lot to do." I smiled back at my husband.

"So how much did the window cost or are you purposefully trying to avoid that question?" He snaked his arms around me pulling me onto his chest.

"Louis paid for it so I'm not sure." I responded poking him in the belly. "Don't worry cheapskate." I stuck my tongue out at him and he narrowed his eyes before flipping me over and playfully wrestling me into submission.

We laid cozily on the couch for the rest of the evening, half paying attention to an episode of the bachelor, the other half dozing in and out of consciousness.


Louis' POV

I left in such a hurry I forgot me damn cellphone. But, I couldn't go back. Not now. Not with the taste of her lips so fresh in me mind. No, it wouldn't end well for the either of us. I replayed the moment over and over again in me head. How far would we have let it go if the door hadn't interrupted us? I can't lie to you and say I wasn't disappointed.

Shit, Louis. Get a grip. She's married. It's never gonna happen, it's just a mistake. A big one and she loves him and he's a good man. Now ball up and accept what happened and move on from it. No point in makin' it awkward. Right?

I rested my head against the steering wheel waitin' for the red light to change.

We have to chat about this though. It can't keep happenin'. Maybe it was an accident. Maybe she was confused and thought I was Trevor. Maybe I shouldn't have left her on her own. She could be havin' a stroke or somethin'.

"Or she wants you." The little voice in me head whispered.

"You are way off, lad. She don't want me. We are friends, we had this talk." I spoke out loud to me self. The honk from the car behind me startled me out of my day dreaming.

I continued the drive quietly. Tryin' to silence me mind. I had shit to do tonight and I didn't need all this putterin' around in me head.

I pulled into the driveway of a well known Beverly Hills hotel and began lookin' for a familiar face. I spotted her leaned against a pillar, causally glancing down at her cellphone and then back up, probably lookin' for me. Her tanned skin was accentuated by the lovely shade of red of the silky dress she wore. Her hair was pulled back loosely, letting the front ends dangle freely in her face.

Angela would look lovely in that color.

I shook the thought from me head and pulled up next to the young woman. She smiled as she walked over to the car, promptly climbin' in and leanin' in to kiss me cheek.

"Hello love. It's been ages. How have you been?" The accent was strange after being consumed in the slight southern twang of my former company most of the day. It took me a moment to respond. She looked at me, her eyes searching me face, awaiting my response.

"Good." I smiled at the girl, cordially. I don't know why I felt so awkward. I'd know the girl for years at this point. I put the car back into drive and we pulled away from the hotel. Maybe it was the time we had spent apart that cause me to be less engaged. Or maybe it was what I knew this time we were spending together would mean.

Perhaps, this is what I did need after all. Perhaps, this could be an end to all of me illusive thoughts of a relationship that would never be. I grabbed her hand from across the console and brought it to me lips placing a gentle kiss onto it.

"I'm really glad you're here Eleanor. I've missed you."


It's been almost a year since I updated this story. I think that the pressure of writing and getting views or not getting views really got to me and it became not as fun anymore but after letting it sit for a while, I've remembered how much I loved this story and these characters. I loved writing is so I'm going to try to give it a go again. For myself. Thank you so much to anyone who has supported me over the past year and if you're reading this, know that I am truly grateful for you. I love you all. I think I'm back.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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