"Then together it is" Chan said with a huge smile. He couldn't explain how happy he felt. He was glad that Jeongin felt the same way and that he too wanted to be together. So there was only one last thing to do.

"I should probably do this properly" Chan spoke which made Jeongin lift his head, a look of confusion on his face.

"Yang Jeongin, Would you like to go out with me?.....is that how you say it or would you like to be my boyfriend? I think the first one is more appropriate but-"

Jeongin cut him off by kissing him. "You were rambling"

Chan smiled, his cheeks going a light red. "Would you like to go out with me?"

Jeongin leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

(We with that cliche stoof)

"Does that answer you're question?" Jeongin asked smiling a bit.

Chan smirked and pretended to be in deep thought, "No not really" And so Jeongin kissed him again but a little bit longer.

"How about now?"

"Hmm nope" Chan smirked.

Jeongin rolled his eyes, he knew what Chan was doing but honestly he didnt mind it one bit. He could kiss Chan all day and never get tired of it.

"Yes, I would like to go out with you" Jeongin said with another roll of his eyes and a smile.

"That's what I like to hear" Chan mumbled before pulling Jeongin in for another kiss.

This one lasted longer than the ones before. It was sweet and simple but full of passion but over time they grew needy. The kiss becoming more heated and turning into a make out session.

Chan pulled away, Jeongin's lip caught between his teeth as a tease.

"I can do this all day and never get tired of it" Chan stated letting out a deep sigh, his hands resting on Jeongin's hips.

"Who's stopping you?"

"I AM! YA'LL BETTER NOT BE HAVING SEX ON MY BED OR I SWEAR" Felix shouted banging on the bedroom door.

Jeongin looked at Chan and let out a small laugh before standing up and locking the door.

"I have an idea" Jeongin whispered to Chan who was now standing up as well. Jeongin leaned in and whispered his plan to Chan, Chan smirking at the idea.

The older walked over to the bed and began moving it so a creaking sound was heard and the headboard was banging on the wall.

"Oh hELL NO!" Felix shouted wriggling the doorknob like crazy.

Jeongin stifled a laugh and Chan winked at him. Getting the message, Jeongin let out a loud fake moan. Chan following with a deep,

"Hmm fuck"

"Oh my god" Felix cried, "Our poor baby"

This continued on for a good few minutes before Chan stopped moving the bed and both him and Jeongin stopped moaning.

"Dude" They heard Changbin say followed by him laughing loudly.

"They jizzed on my bed" Felix sniffled.

Jeongim snorted quietly as Chan walked towards him, grabbing his waist and pulling him close.

"Now to make it real" Chan mumbled leaning in and kissing Jeongin roughly on the lips. When they parted both had swollen wet lips, Jeongin's cheeks a light pink.

The door burst open and Felix flew in, looking around his room.

The door burst open and Felix flew in, looking around his room

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

that's how Felix looked^

He ran towards Jeongin and tackled him to the ground. The rest of their friends entered the room watching the scene unfold.

Lisa sat on the edge of the bed taking in handfuls of popcorn and shoving it in her mouth.

"Did he hurt you?" Felix asked moving Jeongins head side to side.

Jeongin was laying on his back on the floor while Felix straddled him.

"No" Jeongin breathed out

"Did you guys really have sex on my bed?" Felix asked standing up and helping Jeongin on the floor.

"No, we did it to prank you" Chan stated. Felix raised an eyebrow and pointed at Jeongin,

"His cheeks are red and his lips are swollen"

"What's wrong with having a little makeout session?" Chan asked.

"Okay that enough! No details, let's just go play a game or something." Changbin said pushing everyone out of the room.

Felix looked Chan up and down, "I assume you guys are dating"

"We are" Chan said taking hold of Jeongin's hand. Felix nodded and gave a smile.

"You guys are cute but if you ever break it heart Chan, I swear I'm going to break you." Felix stated walking backwards towards his door.

He stopped at the doorway doing a quick fortnite dance before yeeting himself away.

Both Jeongin and Chan laughed, Chan leaning down to give Jeongin a quick kiss.

"Oh my GOOSH YOU GUYS ARE SOOOO CUTE, MY HEART" Lisa squealed jumping up and down.

Behold the chapter you have all been waiting for. Hope you liked it. I was going to do a double update but I got busy with school work I procrastinated on but here it is. 💜

Baby Boy (Jeongchan)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang