Chapter 10: Karma

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My sister rambled on and it almost seemed like she had no intent on stopping any time soon

"Luna its okay, am fine I just decided to run a little further than I normally do you know, look I made it here in one piece so you don't have to worry yourself". I said trying to calm my sister down.

"OK, I was just worried you know". My sister said genuinely.

"I know". I said smiled at my sister.

Our little moment got interrupted by Jake who came running towards me with his small feet to give me a hug.

"April look, i drew an elephant in class today". Jake said innocently as he showed me the roughly coloured and drawn grey supposed elephant.

"Oh really? Well can you draw a little cat for me"? I asked Jake sweetly.

He quickly nodded enthusiastically and went to his room to grab his crayons and paper to draw.

"So did you submit your application letter?". I turned to asked my sister, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, I'm just waiting for their reply". Luna said nervously.

"Don't worry, you'll get in I just know It. I told Luna reassuringly.

"Baby you hungry?". My mom asked me

"Yeah a bit". I replied sweetly as I walked towards the couch to grab a slice of pizza.

"Baby?". My mom called.

"Yeah mom?". I answered.

"Your dad and I noticed you have been really stressed because of school and your sister with her application into college, so how about we go out for a nice quiet picnic at the park?". She suggested.

"Actually that's a great idea, we haven't really gone for a picnic for almost 2 years now and a quiet and relaxing time is just what I need". I explained but mostly just wanting to forget about Jackson.

"Great, I'll make preparations and we'll should be out of here by 9am". My mum said as she rushed to the kitchen to get stuff ready for tomorrow.

Saturday : 8am

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned as I turned off the alarm.

I stood up groggily but suddenly remembered what today was, immediately i bolted to the bathroom for a quick shower.

After I finished bathing, I brushed my teeth, wore my bra and panties then made my way to my wardrobe to pick out a comfortable outfit to wear.

Finally deciding on a simple baby blue coloured T-shirt and jean shorts that reached just above my knees.

I walked to my shoes closet and picked out a
I sat at my vanity and started with applying a bit of my concealer, mascara, my cherry lip gloss, a bit of rose coloured blush and decided to top it off with a nude coloured sparkling eye shadow.

I took a good look at my self, deciding I looked decent I grabbed my purse and went out the room locking the door behind me.

I made my way down stairs to find my mom with a huge basket in her hands which made me wonder when she had the chance to cook last night.
I shrugged the thought off as we made our way out the door. Dad locked the front door and hid the key under the mat.

He unlocked the car and climbed into the front seat.
(Do I really need to explain what happened next? well anyway moving on...)

We arrived at the park in no time at all, it was merely a fifteen minute drive.

They were only a few families here so at least it would be peaceful here.

We found a nice spot under a big relatively tree here apparently the biggest tree here was occupied by a rich looking family.
I wasn't sure if they were rich or not but with the clothes they wore and the amount of food that lay in front of them oh and not to mention the body guards watching them intently like someone is planing on dropping a grenade on them or something.

While my family were setting the blanket, I watched them with interest, as they were all laughing and talking.

They were only six of them, I could already tell who the parents were judging by their elderly appearance.

But as I started to focus on what seemed to be their children, but there was one who looked awfully familiar to me.

I looked even closer at the figure then let out a silent gasp when I realised who it was...

Oh god! This was so looong!
I didn't even know what to write anymore but I just had to make sure I ended this chapter like this.
Well am going to bed. Love y0u all💕.

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