Katie wiped at the tear that slipped down her cheeks. She took a shaky breath. "Thanks."

"Don't worry about it."

"Do you think Mum's gonna be mad we didn't write to her much this term?" Ron wondered aloud, just as the train lurched forward, signalling the start of their long trip home.

"Probably. Maybe as punishment, she'll only allow you two servings for dinner," Ginny snorted. Ron pretended to look mortified.

"She doesn't even know about the demigods," Hermione murmured, looking out the window.

"I'm scared to tell her," Ginny admitted. "I mean, I'm angry with them and all, but if Mum finds out... she might pull a protective mother move, y'know?"

"Or she'd make us go and apologise to them," Ron pointed out. "I hope she doesn't do that."

"Not if she knows what they did to us," Ginny said. "Right, Harry?"

Everyone turned to look at Harry, who had remained silent. Harry didn't notice the three pairs of eyes staring at him.

"Harry?" Hermione, who was sitting across him, poked his shoulder.

He flinched. "Yeah?"

"What were you thinking about?" Ron piped up.

"Nothing..." Harry trailed off. He shook his head and smiled at his friends. "What were we talking about?"

"Uh... the demigods?"

"Oh." Harry's expression darkened. His smile faltered.

"Harry, are you okay-" Ginny started, but her boyfriend quickly changed the topic.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Everything is fine," Harry said with such speed that it sounded like a blur to the others. "Anyway, have all of you finished shopping for gifts yet?"

Hermione, Ron and Ginny stared at Harry bewilderedly.

"I did..." Hermione was the first the speak up.

Harry ignored the weird looks he was getting. "Oh, I think you're going to love what I got you, Hermione."

"Ookay," Hermione mused. The tension was so thick, a pair of scissors could've cut through it.

Harry forced a smile. It wasn't his intention to make his friends feel uncomfortable, but he didn't want to let them know what he was thinking about. He missed the demigods. Sure, they'd lied to him, but they had been so nice to him.

Also, he missed Luna terribly. After the whole incident, she took to avoiding him and the demigods, only speaking with Neville. Luna normally seemed serene and calm, but even Harry could tell she was stressed. She wanted to talk freely with both parties, he guessed, but she was torn between them. That made Harry feel bad. Perhaps if he hadn't been so hostile to the demigods, she would've been in the same compartment as him, blabbering about Nargles or Wrackspurts. He wouldn't have minded that.

"Why," Harry thought frustratedly to himself, "must my life be so complicated?"

"Eat up," Luke said, throwing a tray of stale bread and water at Nico's feet. "Your friends should've realised your disappearance by now. In a day or two, we'll need you to play your role."

Nico dug his nails into his skin. Over the past few hours, Luke had released him from the chair, now that he was conscious. He sat at the floor, his legs chained together. His hands were bound by the wrist, so he could still eat. His sword had been taken away, but Nico had found a square of Ambrosia in his Aviator jacket- which Luke unwisely did not check the pockets of. After consuming the piece of godly food, he felt slightly better.

"You don't expect me to fight them, do you?" Nico snarled. He had fought them before. He wasn't going to do it again. If he was going to fight, he was going to fight with them.

"Of course I do!" Luke grinned. "You have to listen, anyway."

Nico glared at Luke. "I have to kill my friends on your orders, or you'll kill them, and then come for me after that. Yeah, I'd rather choose the second option."

"Suit yourself. Either way, you and your friends? You're all going to die."

Nico bit his tongue so hard to refrain himself from talking back that his mouth tasted of blood. His lips quivered with anger.
Luke just smiled in satisfaction, and left.

Now, you might be wondering why Nico didn't just ghostify Luke. He had done it to Bryce Lawrence once, and Luke was equally as bad. Luke deserved the same treatment.

But Nico wasn't a fool. He knew Luke had reinforcements, who would gladly kill Nico and everyone else the moment they heard Luke wailing. Plus, the first time he had ghostified someone, Reyna lended him her strength, and he still passed out for days afterwards. Nico knew he was stronger- both mentally and physically- now, but he didn't want to take the risk.

So Nico held back. He would have to wait, but he hoped for not too long. He would find some other way to make Luke regret his actions. When he threatened to kill Nico's friends so casually, all sympathy Nico felt for Luke vanished.

Luke had said the demigods would arrive soon. Nico smiled cruelly. He wouldn't have to wait much longer until Luke got what he deserved.

SEA GREEN [PERCY JACKSON X HARRY POTTER]Where stories live. Discover now