"Seriously?" Lily grumbled under her breath as Jade slipped her phone into her pocket.

"I am serious," Jade smiled, winking at Lily as she left the room to let Lily sulk for a minute. 

"How's the amazing flying Anna tonight?" Jade asked, poking her head around the doorframe into Anna's room. 

"You're in time to tuck me in," Anna informed Jade gleefully. 

"Good," Jade smiled, walking into the room to stand beside Perrie at Anna's bed. 

"Where's Lily?" Perrie asked, looking behind Jade out into the hallway. 

"Sulking over the loss of her phone," Jade replied, leaning over to kiss Anna on the forehead. "Don't worry, she'll get it back tomorrow morning."

Perrie just chuckled, mimicking Jade and kissing Anna's forehead too. "Nanite pumpkin, I love you."

"I love you mommy," Anna giggled. "I love you too mama."

"I love you too sweet Anna," Jade said softly, ruffling Anna's hair before backing out of the room after Perrie, shutting the door quietly. 

"Lily," Perrie called down the stairs. "It's pretty late, do you want to come up for bed too?"

A barely audible sigh echoed up the stairs, reaching the ears of both Perrie and Jade. They looked at each other before laughing quietly. 

"I can hear you guys laughing!" Lily's exclamation causing Jade and Perrie to laugh harder. "Stop that you guys!" 

"I'm sorry Lily," Perrie said, forcing her face to become neutral as she descended the stairs with Jade in tow. "I know you're not happy about your phone getting taken away, but now you can do some more fun, screen free activities."

Lily rolled her eyes. "I'm okay," she replied. "I'm just going to go to bed."

"Teenagers," Jade muttered as Lily walked out of the room and up the stairs. 

"I heard that!" Lily called, causing Perrie to stifle a laugh. 

"We'll be up to say goodnight in a few minutes," Jade called up in reply. 

"Whatever," Lily replied, but Jade could hear the relief in her voice. 

Perrie turned and flashed Jade a smile before wrapping her arms around the brunette's, leaning her head on top of hers. "We're doing a good job right?" She murmured. 

"Absolutely," Jade replied, running her fingers absentmindedly through Perrie's hair. "Anna and Lily are healthy and happy, even though they don't always look it. They love you and me, and we both love them."

Perrie nodded, dropping a kiss onto the top of Jade's head. "So we're good parents then," she murmured. 

"The best," Jade whispered, turning to press a quick kiss to Perrie's lips before disentangling herself from the blonde's arms and walking up the stairs. 

"Hold on I'm coming woman!" Perrie exclaimed jokingly, Jade pausing to let Perrie move up the stairs to where she was standing. 

"Wait," Jade said, Perrie freezing. 

"What?" Perrie asked. 

Jade moved so she was standing on the step above Perrie. "Now I'm taller than you," she announced. 

"You idiot," Perrie said fondly, wrapping her arms around Jade's waist. 

"But I'm your idiot," Jade replied cheekily, jumping and wrapping her legs around Perrie's waist, threading her ands through Perrie's hair as the blonde leaned up an d connected their lips. 

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