Irene Adler / A Scandal In Belgravia 1

Start from the beginning

Kate can't really do anything else than get into the helicopter since two suited men insist on it. They won't tell her where they want to take her and who they work for but Kate's money in on Mycroft.
After some time of flying the helicopter starts to sink over Buckingham Palace and Kate frowns.
The helicopter lands on the grass and Kate is led inside the Palace. On the way to wherever she is taken she meets John, who's also lead by another man.
"Kate. What's going on?"
"I don't know. I was picked up from a crime scene with a freaking helicopter!" She whispers shouts at him and looks around.

As they reach a huge room the men tell them to wait there.
Sherlock's already sitting on a couch, still wrapped in his blanket and with a pile of clothes on the table before him
He looks over to them as they enter and John raises his arms in a 'wtf is this?' position and Sherlock shrugs.
Kate sits down beside Sherlock and John takes place next to her other side.
She tries to distract herself and look around but her eyes end up on Sherlock nonetheless.
As she tries to hold back a chuckle John leans a bit over to take a look at Sherlock's blanket. "Are you wearing any pants?"
"No." He casually answers.
"Okay." John leans back and it's quiet for a moment.
Then Sherlock slowly turns his head towards them and they all exchange looks before bursting out in a laugh.
"At Buckingham Palace, fine." John tries to stop laughing. "Oh, I'm seriously fighting an impulse to steal an ashtray."
They giggle again.
Kate takes a deep breath and uses a part of Sherlock's blanket to wipe her tears away. "What are we doing here, Sherlock? Seriously, what?"
"I don't know." He grins at her.
"Here to see the Queen?" John offers, still chuckling.
In that moment a person enters the room and they all turn their heads.
"Oh, apparently yes." Sherlock deadpans at the appearance of Mycroft and they all start to intensively laugh again.
Kate is laughing so hard she has to hold on to John's arm in order to not fall off the couch.
"Just once, can you three behave like grown-ups?" Mycroft growls with a misbehaving look at them.
"We solve crimes, I blog about it, he forgets his pants and she fails at looking after us, so I wouldn't hold out too much hope." John jokes.
Sherlock looks up at Mycroft with a serious face. "I was in the middle of a case, Mycroft."
"What, the hiker and the backfire? I glanced at the police report. Bit obvious, surely?"
"Transparent." He assures and Kate frowns, mouthing a 'What??'
"Time to move on then." Mycroft verbalizes and picks up the pile of cloth and holds it into Sherlock's direction.
He only stares at him and Mycroft exhales deeply. "We are in Buckingham Palace, the very heart of the British nation. Sherlock Holmes, put your trousers on!"
"What for?" Sherlock shrugs and looks away.
"Your client." Mycroft replies sternly.
"And my client is?" He demands as he gets up.
"Illustrious ..." A man walks through the door and catches their attention. " the extreme."
John stands up too and Kate follows his example with hesitation.
"And remaining I have to inform you...entirely anonymous." The man declares before looking over at Mycroft.
"Mycroft!" He exclaims happily.
"Harry." Mycroft greets back and shakes his hand with one of his best fake grins. "May I just apologize for the state of my little brother?"
"Full-time occupation, I imagine." Harry jokes, looking at Sherlock.
Sherlock looks away from them with ignorance.
"Doctor John Watson, formerly of the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers." Harry speaks as he steps up towards John.
"Hello, yes." John shakes Harry's hand a bit straddled by the fact that he knows so much about him.
"My employer is a tremendous fan of your blog."
"Your employer?" John gasps.
"Particularly enjoyed the one about the aluminum crutch."
"Thank you!" John clears his through and turns around to give Sherlock a smug look.
"And this must be Kate Taylor!" Harry turns towards her and she gives him an unsure smile while Sherlock's head spins back to Harry in confusion. "It's an honor to meet you."
"Thanks." Kate shakes his hand.
Finally Harry steps up to Sherlock. "And Mr. Holmes, the younger. You look taller in your photographs."
"I take the precaution of a good coat and a short friend." Sherlock states emotionless before he starts to walk past Kate and John, towards the door.
"Mycroft, I don't do anonymous clients." Sherlock says as he passes him. "I'm used to mystery at one end of my cases. Both ends is too much work."
He turns around to Harry. "Good morning."
Sherlock's heading for the door when Mycroft manages to step onto a part of his blanket. The blanket slips off him and Kate gasps as Sherlock tries to hold it up and cover the important parts.
"This is a matter of national importance. Grow up." Mycroft growls.
"Get off my sheet!" Sherlock spits through gritted teeth and pulls on the blanket.
"Or what?" Mycroft challenges.
"Or I'll just walk away."
"I'll let you." He smirks.
"Boys, please!" Kate slightly slaps Mycroft's arm and uses her best British accent to tattle them. "Not here."
Sherlock's practically cooking. "Who. Is. My. Client?"
Mycroft takes a deep breath. "Take a look at where you're standing and make a deduction. You are to be engaged by the highest in the land."
"Now for God's sake ..." Mycroft shouts before giving Harry an apologizing look and continues a bit quieter "... put your clothes on!"
Sherlock takes a sharp breath before turning around. "I would like to change in private."

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