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Kokichi softly winced when Shuichi layed him on the bed. 

Shuichi gave him an apologetic look and quickly grabbed one of his pillows, carefully lifting Kokichi's foot and placing it down on the pillow, "This might hurt a little, but I have to take your shoes off you so I can see if it's swollen."

Kokichi nodded, ready.

Shuichi gave him another apologetic look as he tried to slip Kokichi's shoe off withought making the foot bend too much.

Naturally, Kokichi's heel moved upwards as the shoe was pulled off, making him whine softly.

Shuichi took the shoe off his other foot and then directed his attention back to the injured foot, and then to Kokichi, "You okay?" He asked in a worried tone.

Kokichi's eyes were glossy, nonetheless, he nodded like everything was fine, "It hurts..a little. But im okay."  Kokichi reassured.

Shuichi wasn't convinced, but he just sighed and looked down at the injured foot. He gently lifted it up and slid off the boy's sock to get a good look at it.

He clicked his tounge, "'s pretty swollen." He admitted.

Kokichi pouted, "Damnit, its broken, huh?"

"No.." Shuichi studied it closely, "I think it's just sprained....maybe..." He thought for a moment, "Try to rotate it a little."

"Nuh uh!" Kokichi protested, "It will huuuuurt." He whined.

Shuichi walked over to Kokichi's hand and held it firmly, yet gently, "Listen, Kokichi, we can't tell if its broken of you don't, okay?" He placed a kiss on Kokichi's knuckles, "Just squeeze my hand if you need to, and stop me if it hurts to much."

Kokichi looked up at him and nodded, blushing softly from the kiss, even if it was just on his hand.

Kokichi slowly rotated his ankle to the right, it felt strained, and hurt just a little, but not too bad. He then bit his lip and turned it to the left, "Agh!" He shouted as he squeezed Shuichi's hand tightly, "I-it hurts to move it that way." He explained.

Shuichi just nodded, "I saw that was the direction it waivered to..Okay.." He walked back over to Kokichi's foot and gently pressed down on the left edge of his heel with his fingers, "Does that hurt."

Kokichi whinced softly, "Mhm..." Shuichi took a note of this and pressed on the top left part of his foot, Kokichi didn't react to this.

Taking another note he brought his fingers to his ankle, sure this was the most pained part. He pressed down ever so slightly, resulting in a pained hiss from Kokichi.

Shuichi learched his hand away, "Sorry! Sorry! Are you okay? I didnt mean to push so ha-"

"No.." Kokichi said in a pained voice, "You're just realy hurts there."

Shuichi thoight for a moment, "Im still not sure if it's broken, but it's sprained badly if anything." Shuichi explained. Kokichi looked up at him and pouted,

"But what am I going to dooo?" He whined.

Shuichi walked over to him and sat on the bed next to his head. He gently lifted the boy's head onto his lap and combed throught the smaller boy's hair with his hands, "I don't know, my darling. I don't know."

Kokichi blushed softly at the pet name and looked up at Shuichi with a small smile, "Well.." He looked back down at his foot, "At least i've got you to take care of me."

The Return of the Supreme Leader {Oumasai}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang