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Shuichi sprang out of bed, ignoring the burning pain in his chest, a pain more severe than most he had felt before, but that hadn't stopped him.

He clumsily stumbled over to the smaller boy and wrapped his arms tightly around his slender waist. Kokichi giggled softly and wrapped his own arms around Shuichi's neck. The dam broke in Shuichi's eyes and proceeded to cry them out.

He was happy, confused, and in a shit ton of pain.

Kokichi stroked his hair and hadn't said a single word until Shuichi was done. When Shuichi was done, his actions caught up to him and his legs went out.

"Shit, okay let's get you back in bed." Kokichi put Shuichi's arm around his shoulder and led him to the bed where he gently set Shuichi down.

Shuichi groaned and lied back down. His pain had been a ghost of the initial strike, but nonetheless he felt he was dying.

But he was alive.

He was alive and he was back with the love of his life.

Speaking of, Kokichi lifted the blanket and carefully placed it overtop Shuichi. Shuichi gave him a weakened smile in return.

Kokichi returned the smile and placed a kiss on Shuichi's jaw.

But Shuichi was still confused.

Kokichi was dead. Shuichi himself was dead.

Was this heaven?

Was this hell?

Kokichi could tell what was on Shuichi's mind.

"Hey, babe."

Shuichi looked at him, "Y-yeah?"

"You're probably confused, right?" Kokichi asked, though it seemed to Shuichi it was a sensitive subject. He could tell by Kokichi's demenour.

Shuichi placed a hand on Kokichi's cheek, "Why don't you just lay here with me. Tell me when you're ready." Shuichi said, giving Kokichi a comforting smile.

Kokichi returned the smile with an equally pleased one and carefully lied down next to Shuichi.

Shuichi closed his eyes and snuggled up closely to Kokichi. Kokichi returned the action and they, eventually, both fell asleep.

-months earlier-

Kokichi weakly sat up. His whole body ached feircly, especially his arm and back.

He clentched his teeth and sobbed in pain. He hadn't felt this the first time.

A nurse walked in, she wore a hairpin with a very familiar design. A bear with one black side and one white.

This triggered something in Kokichi.

His breathing became shallow and his heart pounded. The nurse noticed the panic and sprang into action.

She placed a breathing mask over the boy's mouth and nose and before long Kokichi was asleep again.

Now in his slumber Kokichi began to see things. He saw a woman with long, blonde hair tied into two pigtails. He saw Tsumugi putting on a wig with a similar hairstyle. He saw everything and suddenly it became clear.

When Kokichi came to, he saw a familiar figure standing over him. Kaito.

"Kokichi, you're awake!" Kaito said. He looked...happy?

"Ka- Space boy? Wh-?"

"Before you ask, neither of us are dead. In fact, no one is."


Kaito proceeded to explain everything he had just been told when he had awoken, which was only moments ago.

The game wasn't real.

The world hadent ended.

Everyone was okay.

No one was dead.

This was all a game.

A somewhat harmless game.

"So the 'survivors' get a million dollars?"

"Yep. Well, everyone after the fifth trial. You see, the last survivors after the sixth trial get ten million."

Kokichi smiled a sad smile, "So if I hadn't 'died' I could be a millionaire by now."

Kaito laughed dryly, "You and me both, dude."

A nurse walked in, "Would you two like to watch the live veiwing of the killing game."

Both were unsure.

But Kokichi knew he wanted to see Shuichi.

"Yes ma'am. Thank you."

The nurse nodded, "Also, this is a letter from the producers." The nurse handed a letter to the both of them. On the front, in red letters, read:

How to spice up the killing game.

The plan was in action

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