Chapter 57: The Trial

Start from the beginning

"Truth." the speaker 's voice reverberated loud and clear after I answered.

"Next question. When was the first time you met his Highness."

Finally, a safe topic.

"In my dream when I was a nurse at a nursing home."

My answer did not receive any confirmation from the truth speaker.

"Elaborate. What was the prince wearing that time, what did you discuss.." a female member said to me.

"I could not recall what the color was but he was wearing a polo shirt and I could see his face clearly but I....." my memory of the day we met was still precious to me. "I remembered he was rude and a jerk when I first met him but after the strained words he gave me; we just sat down and talked after that, he awkwardly apologized and I accept it before my dream ended."

"Truth." the truth speaker nodded.

The Parliament members nodded to me when the last question was fired at me.

"What is the Prince's favorite dessert?"

That was unexpectedly easy, from what I remember...

"He likes all Chocolate desserts, Pudding in particular."

The jury waited for the truth sayer to give a verdict.

"Half Truth, Half False." the shadowed person answered.


"Let me elaborate... The Prince says he has become addicted to it ever since you two took that trip in the Philippines."

That made me bow my head as another blush.

Goddammit, another embarrassing question. Why does it have to be all about her sex life?

"....... Chocolate Milk and.... Me. " I murmured.

The jury waited until the speaker r's voice droned.

" Truth.."

Oh god, let the floor just swallow me up.

I looked at the Parliament who were now giving me a much warmer reception, the women were a bit flushed but then the severe faced man spoke.

"The Parliament recognizes Lady Sarina Larusso-Wellington as the official fiancee of our royal highness, Prince Leonidas Lyonel. May the light of the Lady bless your union," he said before coughing. "And uh....I might just try chocolate milk too on the missus."

I felt relieved when the members all congratulated me, shaking hands with me and winking at my shy attitude before my loved ones came to me while I was still striving not to blush.

"That was incredible." Catherine teased lightly as she hugged me. "I have never seen the members blush before."

"Yeah, what did they ask you?" my cousin laughed and joined in the hug.

When the girls were done with me; I got a few cheerful comments from Melissa and Mrs. Briggs, a wink from Charles and Luis then I got a big bear hug from Joram, who welcomed me to the family before I felt someone barrel right into my legs.

" Wh-whoa! " I caught the little body and recognized her. "S-Safirah?"

"You are the one who helped rescue me out of that place. Thank you so much!" she suddenly cried and buried herself in my dress. "I t-thought I would never see my brother again but then I felt someone watching me, giving me the courage to live... I knew it... I knew the moment I saw you; You were the one who kept me strong...."

The Prince's Duchess { Illyria Series 1 } - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now