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— RENJUN’s —

a/n;; another continuation.

Renjun smiled after his conversation with Jeno.

He enjoys eating hotdogs on stick today at the park. He was about to took the last bite of it when Jaemin called.

📞 In coming call from

“I said I'll go with them. What's the point of him calling me?” He let out a “tsked” face and answered

Hello Jaemin? Is there anything wrong?” The atmosphere became cold and awkward.

“Jaemin? Nananananana?” He then said one more time before hanging up. He possibly thought that maybe he's just playing him.

Renjun pouts and was about to click the red button meaning for ending up the call but then Jaemin suddenly replies, “Renjun...”

Renjun put down his hotdog and noticed how serious yet nervous the latter is. What’s going on with this kid?” he said to himself

“Yes? What's this all about?”

Don’t be shock if I will say something uh.. that's unappropriate to hear, alright?” Jaemin, on the other line said.

“Unappropriate? What do you mean though?” Renjun laughed “Ohhh you finally watched some 18+ movies? It's normal since we're ADULTS!” the only way he plan to lift the mood up.

“You know don't be shy to tell me that, we're open.”

“But that's not it”

“What? What do you mean?”

“This is uh.. not important.”

“Seriously? You gonna end this and leave me hanging? That's so unbelievable—” Renjun cutted his sentence and suddenly heard a piano meaning Jaemin muted himself “This is so fucking disrespectful? He muted himself while i'm talking?” Renjun sighed, pissed.

They were silent for a couple of minutes while Renjun still curious on what will Jaemin say.

“You're so unbelievable Jaemin. I'm not expecting this.” He said then ended the call. “I’m a short-tempered person and i'm kinda pissed on you.” He added while looking at his phone pertaining to Jaemin.

“Hey Renjun?” a sweet voice came and sat beside the young man.

“Uh.. yeri?” he replied.

“Yeah ahaha. Since you're here maybe we should talk about something?” Yeri giggled and smiled.

“Something? About what though?” Renjun crossed his arms and asked the young lady seriously.

“You know.. Lee Jeno.”

Renjun exlarged his eyes and almost choke on his own saliva, “What?! Are you for real?!”

“Why are you so shocked? Didn't he tell you that we're friends?”

“No.” his cold reply

“Do you know his number?” yeri asked and get her phone from her bag.

“Yes but you told me that both of you are friends, then you don't know his number.” Renjun laughed sarcastically.

“We're not that close. Fine, i'll go get it all by myself.” The young girl walks out and stare badly at the latter.

“As if you can.” Renjun whispered but unfortunately Yeri heard it.

“What? Tell me, are you jealous?” She asked and arched her eyebrow.

Renjun stop by teasing yeri and stare blanky at her asking that question to himself.

Am I jealous... d-do i sound jealous? If yes then why? Why would I feel that kind of feeling? Jeno and I.. are friends and that's it..

“See! You can't answer!” yeri sticks her tounge out “I'm sorry Renjun if I can't return the feelings that you feel for me but i'll try.” she pats the latter's head and smiles.

“W-what are you talking about?!” he pushed her hands away from his head and stare disgustingly.

“In denial stage.” the girl, yeri, said and continue walking out of his sight.

“I'm not talking about you dumbass.” Renjun laughed.

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