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Taeyong were sitting on the bench of their terrace when suddenly Jaehyun came holding two hot coffee.

"Uh.. hey?" said Taeyong while the other put the two mug on the table and sat beside the older "What brings you here?" he asked again

Jaehyun looks at the dim sky "Nothing, just wanna have coffee with you."

The latter giggled as he softly punched Jaehyun's arms. He took a sip to his coffee as he inhale deeply. "Remember how we used to dream when we were young?" taeyong said as he glanced at jaehyun

"The what?"

"You silly boy, ofcourse this home... home for the homeless children" taeyong set down the mug he was holding awhile ago on the table and closed his eyes "I'm so happy that Jaemin is better now."


Hey! If you have problems or if you're going through to something please don't read the lower part because it may trigger you. :(


eleven years ago..

"Jaehyun, you better watch renjun while I'm gone, alright?" the man named taeyong whose wearing a white plain tshirt and pants swiftly made a way to the main door as he gets the long coat hanging in the wall "Renjun? I'm leaving. Help Jaehyun to clean the house and after that you can continue playing your ps4, alright?"

The younger nodded while holding the door knob, looking at taeyong innocently.

A few minutes later, after leaving his home, he has arrived to his destination, the mental asylum. Taeyong was never afraid to come here every month just to visit his friend, Johnny. Johnny let his depression eats him up, overdosing himself to an illegal drugs until he killed one man and was declared he's addicted to drugs. Instead of locking him in a jail, the administration decided to deliver Johnny in mental hospital.

Taeyong knocked on Johnny's door. "Hello Johnny? It's Taeyong!"

A bright smile welcomed him as Johnny hug him very tight "I missed you!"

"He seem so okay now unlike before.." his inside thought

"I missed you too, hoe!" taeyong replied

"Come in!" said the not-so-old man to the young man

Taeyong took a step and was amazed of Johnny's room. It's looks like it's not a asylum anymore, it looks like his own room. "You have a great room, huh?"

The latter giggled of what Taeyong said "Eh? Just letting my artistic side out since I was kinda bored yesterday."

"How are you now? Are you okay? Jaehyun's missing you but he can't go here, he's with Renjun." Taeyong asked as if he is his mother or father

"Woah- relax! Anyways, I'm doing fine. Things get better by now and I think I will leave this place soon..." instead of being happy, his face was painted in a sad color while looking at the floor.

"Wha- why? Are you not happy for that?"

"I'm happy- ofcourse, but I get too attached in this place and I think I can't leave this" johnny playing his fingers while explaining his side

"That's a problem but the outside world is waiting you for too long and we cannot wait anymore." said taeyong and encouraging him up

"Yeah, I know hahahaha. Anyways, you may now go."


"Thirty minutes is already over" The taller stood up and opens the door, telling taeyong to leave.

"It's too fast but hey take care of yourself, alright? I miss you." he hugged johnny and smiled

"Always" his short reply and closed the door

Taeyong holding back his tears as he walks away to johnny's room. Suddenly, tons of nurses are panicking, going back and forth.

"Hey! May I ask? What's happening?" the man approached one nurse near to him

"One patient is at the rooftop, holding a knife and trying to kill himself by inserting the knife in his own body or by jumping off. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, sir. We'll fix this." the nurse explained

Taeyong nodded as a sign of "thank you" and entered the elevator. He clicked the button to 11th floor nervously. The only thing he wants to do right now is to save the patient. As the elevator door's opened he immediately go up using stairs.

The boy holding a knife while crying made the older breaks his heart. "KID! YOU BETTER STOP!" taeyong, catching his breath, shouted at the boy.

"AND WHO ARE YOU TO SAY THAT?! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME SO YOU BETTER SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" the boy replied. He was in his own rage, holding the knife tightly as he took a step near to edge of the rooftop. One wrong move and he will fall. "THIS IS FOR MY PARENTS WHO ABANDONED ME BECAUSE I FAILED IN CLASS!" he harshly made a cut on his wrist, blood falling from the wounds.


"...AND THIS IS FOR THIS FCKING USELESS LIFE!" as he was about to take another cut, taeyong pull him off and dragged him on the rooftop's ground "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?!" the boy shouted at the man, being disrespectful towards him.

Taeyong pull the knife from the boy's hand and threw it off far away from them. He clenched his fist and punched the boy "STOP THIS NONSENSE!" he grabs the boy's collar with a teary eyed "YOUR LIFE... IT'S TOO PRECIOUS! YOU CAN'T JUST TAKE IT AWAY BECAUSE OF THAT STUPID REASONS!" he added

the boy remained silent as the tears fell from his eyes, crying like a baby.
taeyong noticed his tears and hugged him "I.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to make you cry-"

the younger hugged him back, still crying hard. "I'm sorry.. I.. I was so s-stupid.." taeyong remained silent and tapping the boy's back

two nurses approach them both "We will take him back now. I'm sorry for the disturbance we brought, sir."

Taeyong let go of the latter's hug and smiled "It will be okay now, I promise." he pats his head and smiled again

The boy were sitting on the wheel chair and smiled back

"What's your name?" the older asked

"Jaemin.. Na Jaemin." as the nurses took him off away



if you did read this part and still conquering your fears, problems or such let me remind you that you're special. maybe no one do notices it but some of us does. please be happy because life is so wonderful. stay strong, alright? you can pm me if you want to talk about that. 💚

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