Namjoon: obsessed

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"Hey babygirl" he said lovely, walking into your room were your tide up in the bed room crying and half naked with only bra and panties on with an gagging ball in your mouth." Ive been worried about you all day how have you been baby" he asked.

"Mmmhgh" you said with the gag in your mouth."ahhh good girl". He put his suit case along with his suit that was hanging on his arm down and his keys down Walking towards you.

You didnt mean to, that one night you finally gave him yourself at an party, kim Namjoon he was an flirt with the ladies yes! He worked at an CEO company with your closest friend hoseok and his gorgeous wife kyra.

He would always flirts with them ALL the time of course the girls would blush and flirt back. No he has never slept with any of them he would tease them though.

Never once in his life would he want to sleep with any of them.

Hoseok and his wife kyra have been together for 7 years, married for 10 with 2 beautiful kids one more on the way.

They were one of those lovely highschool sweethearts, both loyal to one another especially hoseok he would always come home and tell his wife some women that would flirt with him.

He kinda didn't regret it cause as soon ass those words slipped pass his lips. She went crazy inside her head..later on she went to his job all confronted all the women to back off.

she even brought him there showed both there rings, and kissed him infront of them to tell them off and threat to beat they ass.

And they backed off after that..well lets just say that attitude of hers made him completely hard and horny..why yall think she haven another child my guy.(😏 😏)

But back to Namjoon. once you walked through those doors, wearing an beautiful dress showing your melanin skin and your beautiful done hair and make up with a little bit off sun shinning through the window making your skin glow he was all for it.

 once you walked through those doors, wearing an beautiful dress showing your melanin skin and your beautiful done hair and make up with a little bit off sun shinning through the window making your skin glow he was all for it

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(Yes you walked in like that because your a bad bitch💜💜)

6 Months Earlier flash back

After walking in the buliding you looked around for kyra your bestfriend, you knew she was here because she didnt answer the door to her house, your eyes caught an middle aged man at an desk he was looking straight back at you, you smiled walking towards him.

After walking in the buliding you looked around for kyra your bestfriend, you knew she was here because she didnt answer the door to her house, your eyes caught an middle aged man at an desk he was looking straight back at you, you smiled walking ...

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