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THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO @Skinylegend FOR HER AMAZING COMMENTS, LOVELY VOTES AND OVERALL AMAZING SELF. Her comments are what inspired me to rapidly update Tacenda until I was drained of inspiration and this Harry Potter fanfic is for her as a way of letting her know that I appreciate each and every comment and vote.

My sister for reading my shit when I force her to, even if she hates it she gives criticism that really helps me and sometimes make me a better writer. She's not on Wattpad but I swear that bitch has an account and is hiding it from me to silently judge my fics in the dark. This is also for you bitch!

To Pinterest for randomly suggesting an Annalise Basso for my 'Character Inspiration' board. She reminded me so much of Lily and I can't even explain why but it's my forever headcanon. I thought she was the perfect faceclaim and the idea sparked in my mind.

To Tumblr for gifting me with the gifs I'll be using in this shitty fic. You are literally the best for the gifs and shit. 

To Spotify for the Tacenda playlist I made that just fuels my need to write and schtuff. 


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