Song of the Lotus Flute (Chapter 1)

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Chapter 1 - Kyo’kitsu Fox Ninja of Tsubasagakure

When he awoke it was to a grassy field and nothingness.  ‘Where… am I?’ he thought groggily trying to clear his head.  Wait he remembered a song-it had been really pretty and he had wanted to get closer to the source.  Was that why he was here?  He sat up.  The sky was blue and birds were chirping in the trees.

‘Hey?’ something whizzed out of one of the nearest branches and he jerked back.  A piece of fruit? ‘You’re cramping my style.’


‘Don’t huh me-who are you and what are you doing here?’ the voice was young but not young enough to be a child’s.

‘Me I’m-’

‘Bah-I don’t care-just get lost will you, or I’ll put a kunai in your foot.’

That did it.  Suddenly the first boy grabbed the piece of fruit that had (he remembered,) hit him in the head earlier and woke him up.  Bouncing it in his hand a moment he hurled it up at the tree.  There was a thwack as something was hit and another body fell.

‘I’ll get you for that-’ That was when the boy who’d dropped form the tree stopped, and was looking at the stranger in a completely different light. 

‘What the heck are you?’ he asked analyzing the first boy up and down then staring behind him.

‘What?’ the first boy turned his head and shrugged shoulder.  ‘Looks like a tail I guess.’

‘And is it-are they-supposed to be there?’

The first boy shrugged.  ‘I have no idea.’


There was a crack and a bright light over head as the boy sat up.  He looked behind him.

No tails to be seen. 

His head hurt a bit and it felt like he had been running for ages.  It was raining and he had been asleep in a pile of mud.  Just as he was about to stand, something long and sharp was thrown his way.  He managed to doge as multiple attacks came at him, and looked around wildly to see who had thrown the weapons.

“Hikari you moron-stop throwing those!” it was a female voice followed by a loud thud like someone being punched.


“He doesn’t even have a hitai-ate!”

“Well he looked like a threat to me…”

“Oh shut up-you just want a reason to throw kunai at someone!”

“He-hello?” the muddied boy’s voice was a bit off.  “Who’s there?” ‘Ninja…’ the name came to his mind and he felt himself go on guard.  Yeah-he remembered what those were, and they were dangerous.  There was silence from the trees beyond as a voice spoke.  “State your name and what you’re doing in Yoru country.”


“He’s an idiot-a complete baka-“

“Hey!!!”  The young man had just about had enough of this.  A moment later he had jumped from the opening in the forest, to in front of the two arguing young ninja.


“Not a threat-eey Soriu?”

“Who the heck are you guys?” the boy said.  He was hanging upside down from a branch above them.  He didn’t quit know how, but his body seemed to remember how to do it.  ‘Chakara’-that’s right it was holding him to the tree.

Song of The Lotus Flute - A Naruto FanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt