Before the final decission

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Her smile covers up her hidden pain,
Her laugh camouflages her endless suffering,
Her mask fools all those who pass her,
Her heart feels more empty than ever.
But she doesn't let it show,
She doesn't want people to know,
That she is suffocating as each day passes by.
She's tried so hard to fight the feeling,
But the demons inside her are a lot stronger than she is.
She chooses to suffer in silence because nothing is worse than becoming a huge burden to another person.
She has tried to remain strong.
She has tried so hard to hold on.
But she fears after she turns of age and when she graduates from everything she's ever known,
That is when her life will end,
That is when she will no longer walk upon the earth.
Because that is when she will make her final decision to end her suffering without any hesitation,
Unless a different feeling stops her from making a permanent decision.

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