#37- Here

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Ethan's POV

I clapped sarcastically. 'A chance. Fucking great. How are we even supposed to get to the cunt?'

'Ay, fuck off.' Simon said. 'He's just trying to help.'

Tobi stood between us. 'The guy said that he'd show himself when we all got enough points. So, we'll wait.'

'What happens when we get too may bad points?' Harry asked. 'If that happens, and then we don't get a chance to fuck this guy up, we're screwed.'

'That's a chance we'll have to take.' Tobi replied. 'That won't happen anyway. We're not going to let that happen.'

'Look at my fucking points!' Harry shouted. 'I'm totally fucked. If we don't get out of here soon, I'm totally fucked. Hey, JJ, back me up here. You've got the most bad points out of all of us.'

'I can't, dude. I can't go against him.' He gestured to the speaker. 'It was different when I was the one getting shocked, but if Vikk...' JJ trailed off, staring at the boy cuddled into his side. 'We're not going to solve anything now. I'm going to bed.' He said, before standing and picking up Vikk, walking to his room. I would make a joke of that if I wasn't so worried about JJ. I'd never seen him so quiet.

'I'm heading back too.' Simon said. As he left, Josh ran after him. Tobi just sighed and settled down on the couch.

'You guys get to bed.' Tobi said.

'What are you, my dad? Fuck off.' I said, flopping down next to him. Harry sighed and sat down with us.

((TIMESKIP brought to you by Simon's sweater paws))

2 hours of Fifa, a film, and a whole bunch of board games later, and Tobi still refuse to try to go to bed. I was practically falling off the sofa I was so tired and Harry was sprawled on the other sofa; Tobi had made him eat half a bowl of cereal and after that he'd eventually collapsed during Tobi and I's Fifa match.

'You really won't even try?' I asked.

'It's pointless, man. I told you- even if I do sleep I'll just wake up more tired.'

'At least try. We're here to face our problems, not do the same bullshit we did in our lives. If I've managed to go this long without...' I trailed off. Tobi glanced down at my shaking hands. Withdrawal. Tobi had noticed a while ago, but hadn't said anything yet. I hadn't gone this long sober since I was a kid, so this was hard. I wasn't even in the worst of it yet. The house was been stocked with alcohol for some fucking reason, but not anything more exciting. I'd gotten rid of all my stashes from my room after my mum had found one, so I couldn't even find any there. It had been a very long few days. 'If I can go this long, then you can try.'

'Mate, are you ok?' Tobi asked.

'No, but there's fuck all you can do to help me now. Come on, go to bed.' I said, throwing a blanket over Harry and shooing Tobi out towards his bedroom. 'We've got a lot of shit to do tomorrow if we ever want to get out of here.'

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