Mikan was now in a state of pure confusion, and she curls up her legs a bit. "I... um... s-since the second grade" she says, voice soft and somewhat unsure. That's one theory confirmed- and now for the other- "And did they always treat you like that?" I ask, clicking a piece of the puzzle, dragging it, and connecting it with another piece. Mikan's confusion intensifies, as she cocks her head- "Um... l-like what?" she asks.

"Y'know, the entire dragging you by the wrist thing. That doesn't stand out to you?" I ask, a bored expression on my face as I click yet another piece into place in the game. Mikan looks down at her bed sheets, avoiding looking in my direction- "N-Not really... it's always b-been like that so... Why? S-Should it?!" she asks, voice suddenly becoming a bit frantic.

I raise an eyebrow- "Uh, yeah? People don't normally go around grabbing others and taking them places against their will" I say, putting the last piece of the puzzle in place and winning the level. There was an awkward silence between the both of us for a moment, as I started working on the puzzle of the next level.

"Why... did you do it?" asks Mikan, her voice low and contemplative. I already knew what she was talking about, but I raise an eyebrow and feign ignorance- "Hmm? Why did I do what?" I ask, eyes still glued to the laptop. She fiddles with her blankets, face deep in thought, before speaking in a voice barely above a whisper.
"W-Why did you save me?"

I had to think on that question for a bit. There was the obvious base answer of "It's what any decent human being would do", but that wasn't something I wanted to admit. So I thought up the best lie I could at that time: "Well, hanging out today was a part of your debt- can't let you get out of paying that back now, can I?" I say, a bit of a smirk on my face. Mikan cocks her head in confusion for a moment, before realization dawned on her. "O-Oh... right. T-The first day..." she says, hugging her knees a bit.

"Did you really forget?" I ask, half smug and half concentrated. I was about to finish this level as well. Mikan grows a bit flustered, frantically shaking her head- "N-No, nothing like that at all! I'll um... d-do my best to make it up to you!" she says, though she sounded a bit panicked. Well, she wasn't lying- I could say that much at least. "Nishishi, then we shouldn't have a problem" I say, smiling up at her before continuing my game.

She nods, and waits a few moments before hesitantly picking up her book again. And it was business as usual yet again. I didn't mind that, of course: however, there was an uncomfortable tension in the air now. One of unanswered questions and deep thought.

Not that I really cared though- I was used to that kind of atmosphere. Besides, I was about three out of four levels finished. Not that the game was that short, just this campaign. Not to mention the fact that I had played through it like a million times. The video games were just a distraction for myself anyways...

Soon enough it was dinner time- I planned on staying inside like normal. Mikan had given up on trying to get me to go weeks ago, so I was expecting her to just head out without giving it a second thought- however-

"Ohhh- I know you said you d-don't want to go, and t-that you said I shouldn't even bother but- are... a-are you sure you don't want to go to dinner?" she asks, obviously scared out of her wits about doing so. I look up from my screen, surprised that she was actually asking- where the heck did this even come from.

I smirk, letting out a dismissive laugh- "You already know that I won't. I told you didn't I: Gotta run the world from this laptop. If I leave for even a moment, the world could be thrown into chaos!" I say, ending my little speech with a bit of a pout. Mikan's face contorts in worry for a few moments, before she thinks better of whatever she was going to do and exits the room with a quick "sorry"

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