Chapter 3

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Walking down the hallway was a terrifying experience. Every single noise echoed and you could barely see. It was so damp and cold. Besides you were only wearing a thin hospital gown, you were freezing cold. But it didn't seem to bother the guards at all. They were probably used to it. But then something stops you from continuing your walk. You hear a familiar scream echo down the hallway. You jerk your head to see where it was coming from. You then see a room with the door slightly open. Inside, you see the soldier strapped to a chair and moaning from pain. He turns to look at you with his lips quivering and a tear rolling down his cheek. Your heart just broke a little. "Move along" the guard says, pushing you away from the soldiers gaze.

After what seems like the longest walk of your life, the guard then shoved you into another room that appears to be some sort of lab. "What's gonna happen to me?" you asked. "Be quiet" the guard says. You see a chair, similar to the one you saw the soldier in. The guard then pushes you on to the chair and straps you in so that you couldn't move. A group of men wearing scrubs open the door and proceed to come near you. They then hook you up to all these different machines that check your vitals. Then another man comes inside the room wearing a white lab coat. You assumed him to be a scientist or doctor. "Hello y/n, it seems you got yourself in quite the predicament." Said the doctor. "What do you want ? How do you know my name? " you asked. " We like to keep our tabs on everyone....I think you would be a perfect specimen for our new experimental program". He said with an evil grin. "Please don't... I- I won't tell anyone about this if you let me go." You pleaded. The group of men then preceded to laugh at you. The doctor then came up close to your face and you tried to look away from his glance. He then grabbed your cheeks forcing you to look at him "You really think we are going to just let you leave? Your a part of hydra now whether you want to be or not" the men said. Hydra? Wasn't that the organization that Captain America tried to stop? The doctor then let's go of your face. Tears now threatening to spill down your face. You want to be brave. But this is all too much. Before you know it the doctor takes out a needle and pushes it into your arm. As soon as he injected the needle your skin felt like it was on fire. The pain was excruciating and all you could do was scream. At some point you stopped screaming but you still felt extremely sore and tired. Everything was muffled after that and you could barely hear or see because everything was distorted. Feeling tired and weak, you decide to close your eyes.

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