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<li style="margin-bottom: 0.1em;">Valtor is a powerful wizard who aspired to become the greatest sorcerer of all. He turns people into monsters that willingly serve him and places a magical mark that looks like a "V" on other people so they too will serve him. By doing so he hopes to be able to conquer each planet or realm. He was created from a dark spark of the Dragon Flame by the Ancestral Witches and in their youth, he and Ms. Griffin were formerly magical companions. During that time he meets Bloom's parents, Queen Marion and King Oritel of Domino, who are both stronger than he is. He was with the Ancestral Witches when they destroyed Domino and he supposedly killed Marion and Oritel the day Domino is destroyed (which is later revealed to be a lie), but not before they were able to imprison him in the Omega Dimension. Seventeen years later, the Trix are sent there as well, where they freed him from his prison. They escape and he conquers the seas of Andros and restores his lost powers with the energy of the second sun of Solaria. He then starts stealing all the magical secrets and spells of all the realms of the Magic Dimension and planning revenge against all those who helped defeating him, hunting down Faragonda, Griffin and Saladin and making their lives miserable since they, together with Marion and Oritel, were part of the Company of Light that fought and defeated the Ancestral Witches and Valtor himself. He also hunts down Bloom, the daughter of Marion and Oritel, as a way of taking his revenge for being imprisoned in the Omega Dimension by them. In the second-to-last episode of season three, Valtor transforms into a demon and unleashes a spell that almost destroys the three schools and Magix but the Winx manage to release the spells that Valtor had stolen. In the final episode, Valtor is destroyed by Bloom when she extinguishes his own Dragon Flame. He functions as the primary villain of season three. He is voiced by <a class="new" style="text-decoration: none; color: #a55858; background: none;" title="Guido Di Naccio (page does not exist)" href="">Guido Di Naccio</a> in the original version, <a style="text-decoration: none; color: #0b0080; background: none;" title="Sean Schemmel" href="">Sean Schemmel</a> in the 4Kids version, and by <a style="text-decoration: none; color: #0b0080; background: none;" title="Josh Keaton" href="">Josh Keaton</a> in the Nickelodeon dub.</li>


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