Enemy Revealed

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As I walk through the court parking lot, my phone buzzes. Jeremy's name scrolls across the screen. I let it ring through. Whatever he needs can wait. There's only a second between the call ending and his next call. Pulling the car door open, I answer. "What?"

"I need to see you," there is an edge to Jeremy's tone. Whatever is going on must seem like some kind of emergency in his mind. If only he knew what the hell the rest of us have been dealing with. "I'm home."

Sighing, I turn the key in the ignition. The engine roars to life, idling into a steady purr. "Fine. Be there in ten. This better be an emergency."

Jeremy all put drags me inside the house and upstairs to his room. Once we're there, he shuts the door, checking out the window to make sure Jenna's car is still missing from the driveway. Once he's sure we're alone, Elena's little brother turns to me. He's got a crazed look, eyes ablaze. His heart is beating out of his chest, a frantic drum in my ears. "Do the thing."

"What thing?"

Jeremy rolls his eyes, throwing himself into the desk chair. It rolls backward, hitting against the bedframe. "Don't bullshit me, Diana. I saw what you did in the field. I felt it. We channeled them. can channel them, at least with your blood in my system."

"Tell me why." While I agreed to allow Jeremy to be involved with all this, I won't put him in harms way needlessly. Elena would never forgive me if something happened to her brother by my hand. Jeremy doesn't understand enough to be cautious. He's impulsive, hardly ever thinking about the consequences until he's already in the trenches.

Jeremy sighs, "Bonnie made contact with the witches today. They gave her a warning that said if she used too much of her power at once she'd die. She's going to kill herself to kill Klaus."

"And you want me to help?" I question, trying to clarify. Honestly, I'm impressed. Maybe Jeremy is maturing. Usually, he doesn't ask for the proper help, choosing to leap in and ask later.

"Or transfer your powers to me so I can."

I kneel before the boy, taking his face in both my hands. He needs to understand that what we did in the field was dangerous, stupid even. "Jeremy, you could do that stuff in the field because we were connected because I drank for you and then you drank from me. It's temporary and volatile."

"So there's nothing you can do?" Jeremy's face falls, a little bit of the trust and faith he built up in me crumbling.

Chewing my lip, I try and think of something. Now that Bonnie and the witches are connected there's not much we can do to break that. They'd have to leave her on their own. "I could try and ask the witches to abandon her, but, Jeremy, she's in the Bennett bloodline. Emily Bennett isn't going to turn her back on Bonnie."

"You have to try," Jeremy insists. "She'll die, Diana."

As the two of us sit silently in Jeremy's bedroom, I begin to formulate a plan. Bonnie may be at risk of dying if she uses too much power, but I'm not. The grimoire Damon gave to me talked about ways to link two people together. It can be done because Katherine's witch did it with Elena. Whatever one feels, the other feels. If one dies, the other does, unless the other happens to be immortal. "I have an idea." Gathering my things, I begin to head for the door.

"Wait. What is it?"

Shaking my head, I pull the Gilbert's front door open, "Don't worry about it, Jeremy. Bonnie will be safe." I just hope she's still at the house when I get there.

Elena and Bonnie have left for school accompanied by Stefan. Damon and I sit on the porch, passing cigarettes back and forth. I go over my plan with him, hoping that he agrees that it's a good idea. My mind is set, but it will feel better to have Damon's support. Elena would never go ahead with this, even if it does mean saving Bonnie. Anything that has to do with the witch stepping in to save her sends Elena into a tizzy. Jeremy's older sister is convinced there is another way. While I may be able to sway Stefan to my way of thinking, he'll want to tell Elena. That leaves us back at the answer being absolutely not.

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