Biggest Mistake

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Deep brown ringlets hang down over the yellow stained pages of the Gilbert journals. From above, Katherine lets out a discontent sigh, leaning further over the arm of the couch. The vampire's fingers curl around my shoulder as she hems and haws, trying to pull my attention. Growing annoying, I roll my eyes up, staring at Katherine's chin. "Can I help you?"

"I'm bored," Katherine answers with a lazy yawn.

Instead of answering, I turn my attention back to the journal. There are plenty of things Katherine can do to keep herself entertained. I will not give her the pleasure of my company. She's trying to drive a wedge between everyone in this house. It's best for all of us not to indulge her attempts.

"'Emily Bennett was taken by the council today," Katherine begins, still trying to draw my attention. "They kidnapped her from her home and took her to the same location as her ancestors were burned a hundred years ago.' So Emily died on the sire of the massacre, too. Does it say where?" The vampire tries to snatch the book away.

Tucking the book between my side and the couch, I shake my head, "Nope." Keeping Katherine in the dark is the best way to ensure that our plans stay safe and uninterrupted. The less she knows the better. That means keeping her away from the Gilbert journals. "You know this whole friendly, cooperative thing?"

"Mm-hmm," Katherine nods, encouraging me to continue.

"I don't buy it."

The brunette rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest as she begins to pout, "I have no reason to lie to you, Damon."

"Lie," I counter.

Katherine lets out an agitated growl, "I'm hungry."

"You're the unwanted house guest. Go feed yourself." After a few moments hesitation, Katherine disappears, her presence soon replaced with my brother's. He's been distantly lately. The only people Stefan talks with are Elena and Diana. The two vampires disappear to the roof for hours, talking in quick whispers, passing a bottle of rum between themselves. I know he's doing his part in helping, but the least he could do is be around more, act like he was a willing participant.

Stefan drops a stack of journals onto the side table, running his fingers through his hair, "Well, nothing in any of these. Find anything?"

Pulling the Gilbert journal from the side of the couch I flip through it, nodding as I do. Once I found the entries talking about Emily, it was easy to determine where the massacre site is. If Katherine gets her hands on this journal she'll know everything. We can't let that happen. "Nope." Handing the journal to my brother, I tap on the pages.

"That's too bad," Stefan answers, eyes scanning over the script scrawled across the pages.

Nodding, I lounge against the wall, scrolling through the text messages Diana sent. Jeremy agreed to try her experiment. Together, they were able to find the massacre site. Diana still isn't sure if she'll be welcome on the grounds but noted the witches readily revealed themselves to Jeremy while the powers pushed onto him lasted. She goes on to say that while the transfer of energy only lasted for a few minutes with me, Jeremy was able to hold onto it for about half an hour. Neither one will be back till later tonight. Diana decided to take Jeremy to dinner to pay him back for cooperating. Jealousy bubbles up inside of me. She cares about him, no matter how much she tries to deny it. For a while, I thought little Gilbert was out of our lives completely. This experiment probably only brought them closer. "Yeah, bummer."

"Have you heard from Di?" Stefan questions, continuing to flip through the pages of the journal.

Once again I nod my head, yes, saying to opposite just in case Katherine is eavesdropping, "Negative. Jeremy and she struck out so they decided to got to The Grill."

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