The Past

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The sun settles into its place on the horizon. Off in the distance a bird calls out to another. The two rush through the trees, trying to find something to eat. Twigs and leaves are crushed under the heel of shoes as Emily draws closer to our small camp. She'd found Damon and I last night after the church had gone up. She said that Stefan made it, bringing him to us.

"Is she even sure he's alive?" Damon questions; glancing over his shoulder towards where Stefan is, slumped over against the beginnings of a cabin.

"Yes, he's alive, Damon. I can hear his heart beating. He should be awake soon." I answer, beginning to worry if Damon will be able to play his part. Ever since he's woken up, Damon has been moody, switching quickly from one emotion to another. Our plan won't work if he decides to go off the deep end. "Are you sure you can do this?"

Damon turns to me, a pout set on his perfect lips, "I'm upset at how little faith in me you have."

"You've not necessarily displayed the kind of behavior that makes me have much confidence in your ability to go through with the original plan."

Damon takes my hand as Stefan begins to groan. "It's us, Diana. It's always going to be us."

I watch Stefan through the bars on his cell door. He's moved from the cot to the floor, sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest, head hanging down. I can almost feel the guilt radiating off of him as Damon steps up to the door, shaking a water bottle full of blood. Stefan refuses to look up, the muscles in his shoulders twitching as he smells the meal that we've brought for him.

"I brought you something to eat. You know what'll happen if you don't eat. You'll get all rotting and crusty."

"I'm not hungry," Stefan mumbles, still refusing to look at Damon and I.

Damon scoffs, the corners of his lips pulling down into a frown. "Of course you are. We're eternally hungry. Take it." The dark haired vampire sets the bottle of blood on the ledge of the door's window. "The human blood should be gone by now. You want to explain why you're still in here feeling sorry for yourself? Come on. Drink up."

Damon shoves the bottle through the window. It lands on the floor with a thud, the contents inside sloshing against the plastic sides. Stefan lifts his head for a second, eyeing the blood. Letting out a defeated sigh, the youngest Salvatore lowers his gaze again, chin falling against his chest.

"Fine. Starve." Damon growls in frustration. "What do I care?"

Frowning, I watch Damon retreat back upstairs. He doesn't have very much patience when it comes to Stefan's moodiness. Damon has always wanted things done his way, exactly when he wants them. Stefan isn't that easy. He's in a lot of pain right now. He's upset with himself for hurting that girl and maybe a multitude of other things. This isn't a problem that can just be solved over night and then swept under the rug. Taking the key off of the hook next to the door, I slide it into the lock.

Stefan looks up at me as I pull the door open, shutting it behind me. I sit down in front of it, resting my back against the heavy wood. For a while, Stefan and I look at each other. I try and read what he needs right now, but don't come up with much. Stefan is trapped in his head and I can't seem figure out what he needs to be set free. Taking in a jagged breath, I leave the key by the cell door, crawling forward on my hands and knees. Stefan maintains my eye contact as I draw closer. Leaning back so that I'm sitting on my calves, I reach forward taking hold of one of Stefan's hands. He lets me have it, shifting forward a little.

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