Lone Wolf, Lady Killer

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The door to Elena's house is unlocked. Diana lets herself in, dragging me behind. Together we follow the voices floating out of the kitchen. Rounding the corner, I lay eyes on Alaric, Mason, and Jenna. They have shot glasses set out on the island, a bottom of Jack Daniels alongside them. Diana lets out a small cough, causing everyone to turn around. She's been feisty since this morning, meaning that reining her in today is going to be impossible.

"Hey," I give Jenna, Mason, and Alaric a warm smile.

Jenna rolls her eyes, "Damon and you brought Diana." We're obviously not her favorite people.

In an attempt to keep the peace, Alaric grabs the alcohol bottle, "We were just doing shots. Let me get you two shot glasses."

Elena's aunt grabs her glass, downing the amber liquid inside. I can feel the hatred radiating off of her as she walks forward slamming the crystal against my chest. "Here. Use mine."

"Someone's grumpy," Diana announces, taking the alcohol bottle from Alaric, pouring some into the shot glass Jenna gave me and downing the drink before pouring another.

"She doesn't like me very much," I explain to a confused looking Mason.

He nods, setting his shot glass down, "We haven't met. Mason Lockwood."

"Oh sure. Hey, Damon Salvatore," I answer back, extending my hand out for Mason to take.

He shakes my hand, dropping it quickly. "I know. I've heard great things about you."

"Really?" There's no reason that anyone should have been saying anything to Mason Lockwood about me. I can't even imagine that Sheriff Forbes said anything, as she'd have no real reason to. "That's weird, cause I'm a dick."

"Can't be that much of a dick if you can score a girl like that," Mason responds, his eyes scanning over Diana. The little jealousy bug stirs inside me. I just got Di back. Other guys looking at her the way Mason is does not sit right with me. Regardless, I shove the monster inside down as Diana steps forward, heels making a tapping sound on the linoleum. She lets out an evil chuckle.

"No. He's telling the truth. I just happen to be a bitch so it all works out quite nicely." With that Diana downs her second shot.

Despite his momentary look of confusion, Mason recovers quickly, raising his glass, "To being the assholes of society."

Before we can continue on with our conversation, Elena walks in, Caroline following behind her. Diana waves, receiving a big smile from the blonde. "Everyone's here now. Jenna wants one of you to start the burgers. She specified not Damon."

"Of course she did," I whisper to Diana who is now leaning against me.

As Mason and Alaric leave the kitchen, Elena walks forward, her eyes scanning over Diana and I. "When did you two get back together?"

Diana yawns lazily, "Last night after I pushed your brother off the clock tower."

The world stops. How could Diana be so self-involved as to just tell Elena that she could have killed Jeremy last night? I knew she was in a mood today, but I didn't realize that it could result in this. The blonde should know better, be more concerned with self-preservation.

"After you did what?" Elena shoots Diana an icy glare, fingers curled into fists.

My girlfriend continues to lounge against me, raising her hands a little in surrender, "Honestly, Elena, calm down. You're going to give yourself an aneurysm. Why would I push Jeremy off the clock tower? I'm not Damon. We did get back together last night. We patched things up over our distaste for how much you remind us of Katherine."

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