Not Good, Perfect

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Damon's words hit me like a brick wall. I knew he didn't see Jeremy's ring, but hearing the words spoken aloud still changes everything. Without the ring, Elena's little brother could be buried six feet under right now. Damon killed him without a second thought. I now know that shutting Jeremy out of my life was the right decision. He can't be around any of us without his life being at risk. Damon has always had a jealous, impulsive side. He'll never change. I had to choose, Damon or Jeremy, and even though I know I should, I can't just give up on the blue-eyed vampire. He might be infuriating and make it hard to love him, but the bond Damon and I share is unlike any other. We aren't good for each other, but one cannot function properly without the other.

Taking a shaky breath, I stare up at Jeremy's window. The light is still on and I can see his shadow dancing back and forth against the blinds. He's pacing, probably waiting for my phone call. He feels like he's a part of all this now. I have to convince him that he doesn't want to get involved in my world. Unclenching my fists, I climb the tree outside the younger Gilbert's room, knocking on the glass once I've reached the top.

A smile spreads across Jeremy's face as he opens the blinds, realizing that it's me. "Hey. Ya know a phone call would've worked."

As I climb into the boy's room, I shrug, "I've always been one for the dramatic. Besides, I figured we should have this conversation in person."

"If you're here to tell me how dangerous it is to be your friend you should go ahead and crawl back through that window. I've already told you that I don't care about the risk."

"Don't you get it, Jeremy? It isn't just the people I'm involved with that threaten your life. I'm dangerous. I don't play by the rules, Jeremy. Vampires and humans don't co-exist. You're my food."

Jeremy shrugs back, flopping backward across his bed, "If that's what it takes here – " the boy stands again, holds out his wrist to me " – take what you want."

Frustrated, I swat his arm away, "I kill people. I ruin lives. If there was an accident, if I lost control around you even once I could kill you; snap your neck, drain you. That ring can't bring you back if there's no blood left to keep your heart pumping."

"If you're trying to scare me, it isn't going to work," Jeremy says coming to stand in front of me. "I know you, Diana. You aren't going to hurt me."

"No! You don't know me. Is my friendship really worth your life?" I question, hoping to get through to him. Jeremy is stubborn. He isn't going to make walking out of his life easy. He's already dug his claws into my brain and detaching him is taking more willpower than I'd expected. Humans are usually a nuisance, something I use and then dispose of. Something about Elena's little brother makes me wonder if maybe not all of them are the same.

"It's not like I've got much to live for anyway," Jeremy admits, his gaze falling to the floor.

"What? Come with me. Now!" I demand. How can he say that? Jeremy has years left to live, to experience life. How can he want to throw that all away? If I'd had a choice I would've waited to be turned, had human experiences.

"I can't just leave, Diana." Jeremy protests as I lead him towards the window.

Instead of keeping the anger inside, I let it show. The veins under my eyes bubble to the surface, fangs replacing my canines. I let a low growl rise from my throat. "I said now!"

Fear crosses Jeremy's eyes for just a second before he turns, crawling through the window and out onto the branch that brushes against the house. Once he reaches the ground, I latch my fingers around his wrist, pulling him towards the town center. The walk takes about thirty – minutes. Not once does Jeremy ask where I'm leading him, or why I've pulled him from his bedroom at such a late hour. Instead, he follows silently, occasionally letting out a hiss of pain as his barefoot makes contact with a rock or other debris littering the sidewalks.

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