You're Full of Shit, Damon Salvatore

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How is any of this possible? I kill Jonathan Gilbert and then not even twenty minutes later he comes strutting back into the room like nothing ever happened. How the hell does that happen? These rings are proving to be a bit of a nuisance. How many of them are floating around? There is at least two, but who the hell knows how many others were made or who has them. Is John going to tell Liz? Will the council really believe him if does say something? I can't compel that many people and not have someone notice.

On top of everything, Jeremy decides he needs to stir up trouble with the whole Vicky Donovan thing. Why I buried her, I'll never know. Why do I do half the shit I do? Did I care about her? That's a dumb thought. Vicky was a pathetic excuse for a human and an even more pathetic vampire. Even if I wanted to put in the effort to teach her, I don't think she had enough brain capacity to learn.

Then, there is Diana. What is she really doing back in Mystic Falls? There's no way she's only here because she 'missed home.' She always has some kind of ulterior motive. I just wish I could figure out what it is. Why does she have to be so flirty? I've got will power, but if she keeps batting those ridiculously long eyelashes and throwing herself at me, I'm eventually going to give in.

A knock on the door pulls me out of my string of thoughts. It's a wonder my brain hasn't exploded yet. "Yes."

The wooden door is pushed open and Diana stands, in a grey t-shirt, holding out a cream colored mug. Her blonde hair is piled into a bun on top of her head, a few strands falling down around her face. Her smile reaches her eyes as she walks towards me, "Coffee, Mr. Salvatore?"

"Is that my shirt?" I question, taking the mug from Diana as she sits down on the edge of my bed.

"Guilty. It was just lying there in the hallway."

"So you thought you'd just pick it up and wear it? You're a freak," I respond, giving Diana a light smile to let her know I'm joking. I do kind of like that she's back. There's no use denying something we both know.

"You like it," Diana taunts, reaching out and taking the mug from me. She leaves behind a red lipstick mark before setting the cup on the ground. "Where's Stefan?"

"School probably. I don't really keep tabs on him. Why do you care anyway?"

"Is a school full of humans really a good place for Stefan to be right now?"

"Again, not understanding why you care."

"Well, I happen to care about Stefan and I also want to stay in Mystic Falls for a while. Him going on a killing spree would kinda ruin my plans. Plus, we both know how miserable it is to clean up after your little brother."

"I'm sure he'll be fine. Elena is there. Stefan won't do anything to ruin his perfect boyfriend reputation."

For a while we both sit in a comfortable silence, passing the coffee mug back and forth.

"Can I lay with you for a little, Damon?"

Diana's green eyes meet mine. Her teeth tug at her bottom lip. The shoulder of my shirt slips down her arm, a dozen white scars criss cross her collar bone; a reminder of her days as a human. Without pants on, I can see the very bottom of the flower tattoo that goes up her side.

"Come here," I sign, sliding over in bed so that Diana can sit next to me. As she curls into my side, I move my arm and drape it over her shoulder, my fingers gently resting on the side of her breast. Diana's fingertips run up and down my bare stomach. I swallow hard, willing my self – control to hold out just a little bit longer. I'm not quite ready to give into her tricks.

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