Stefan's Sacrifice

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I sit on the couch as Rose shuts the garage door, preparing to take Elena to Richmond. Listening, I don't move until I can no longer hear the crunch of tires on the drive. Standing, I wander upstairs, collecting my cell phone from the desk positioned in the corner of the room. It rings twice, the individual on the other end picking up without bothering to say hello.

"It's done," I announce, pacing back and forth against the worn down wooden floor. "Elena will be in Richmond without the protection of the Salvatore brothers. I sent that spineless bitch Rose with her."

There is a sigh of contentment, "You're doing wonderful work my pet."

"Klaus. If the brothers get involved-"

I'm cut off, the smooth voice of the vampire on the other end putting my fears to rest "-they won't be harmed per our agreement. Diana, why are you protecting them?"

Because I love them hangs on my lips. Instead of responding, I end the call, my action giving Klaus the same answer as my words would have.

My heart sinks as Damon turns around, the phone still pressed to his ear. I should have known better. There was no way that the Salvatore brothers wouldn't get involved. Klaus wasn't going to stay away. I'm sure he's there now, threatening Elena's life. Now Damon has to pay. I hesitate, toying with the idea of going after him, begging him to stay, to send someone else. Commotion within the entrance of the tomb pulls my attention.

Before me stands Katherine. She's got Jeremy by the arm; blood covering her lips and chin. Elena's brother stands, eyes barely open, blood oozing from the side of his neck. It's torn open, the tendon exposed. His breathing is shallow, lungs rattling as he exhales. A thin layer of sweat covers flushed skin. Jeremy would collapse if it weren't for Katherine holding him up. I lose everyone else in the room, blocking out any other thought besides saving the youngest Gilbert. Sprinting across the room, I almost make it to the barrier before I am yanked back, the force pulling my shoulder from its socket. "Jeremy!" I beat against the flesh that now encircles me, trying to break free to save the idiot boy who did exactly what we told him not to.

Hands come up to my cheeks, thumbs working at the tears that now spill down my skin. Stefan. Kind hazel eyes meet mine, silently urging me to come out of my rage, to settle. Finally, I give up the fight, collapsing against his chest. He holds me as Jeremy swallows, taking in another shaky breath.

"I'm sorry," Jeremy starts, refusing to lift his gaze from the ground. "I took some powder."

Katherine sneers, enjoying the pained looks that Stefan, Bonnie and I wear. She knows she's gotten us where it hurts. "Don't worry. I know that he's wearing his ring. So, no matter how many times I kill him, he'll just keep coming back for more." When we say nothing, Katherine begins to drag Jeremy backward, towards the darkness of the tomb. "I'm going to be in the back playing with my new toy. You guys just give me a holler when you've got the tomb open."

As more tears spill down my cheeks, Stefan holds me to his chest. We should have been paying more attention to him. I should have known he was going to do something like this. Jeremy only ever thinks with his heart, not worried about the consequences of his actions until they're happening. "I should have been watching him. He's stuck in there. I could have talked him out of this."

"Shh," Stefan coos, his fingers working to brush my matted hair back from my face. "We're going to get him out, Di, everything going to be okay. You couldn't have prevented this. It isn't your fault." Soft lips are pressed to the top of my forehead over and over as Damon's brother continues to try and calm me down. "Where is Damon?"

I shake my head in response, unable to think of an answer that wouldn't just lead to more questions. Bonnie and I can't do this alone. We need Stefan here with us, not off trying to help Damon rescue Elena. Right now, his ignorance is our best chance at getting Jeremy out of the tomb.

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