"That's not possible to fuck all day"

I smirked "Anything's possible Tiana"

"So if I look through your camera I'll have to owe you by making a movie?"


Tiana turned around and crawled back into the bed. "I'm good love"

"You really gonna pass up a good offer?"

Then she smiled at me "I have a better offer"

"What is it?"

"If you let me look through your camera I'll get off my birth control so we can try for a baby"

I raised my eyebrow and walked to her "Say less"

I willingly handed my camera and walked to the bathroom to find her birth control pills.

"Chris who are all these girls?!" She yelled out.

I responded "People who aren't important anymore!"

I scanned through the cabinet trying to find them but they were no where to be seen. I walked back into the room and sat next to her.

"What's the matter Chris, Why you look frustrated?"

"Where are your birth control pills?"

She tapped her arm "I don't take the pills I got the implant"

"Ok well let's cut the bitch out real quick, I can get a knife from the kitchen"

"No Chris!"

"Why what's the problem?"

She responded "I have to go to the doctor to get it PROPERLY removed"

"Ok I'll just make you an appointment for tomorrow"

"Why so soon?"

"The same reason why you wanted to look through my camera, I'm eager"


I crawled in the bed and laid next to Tiana while she was still looking through my camera.

I reached for my camera but she move it away from me so I wouldn't take it.

"Give me my camera"

"Hold on....Chris? You knew Chantel?"


She turned the camera towards me it showed Chantel's lifeless body. "Ooohhh her? Um Nah I don't know who that girl is"

"That's my sister"

"I don't know her baby" I lied.

She raised her brow "You don't?"
After that she showed a picture of me laying next to the dead body.

I squinted at the picture "Oh wow, doesn't he look handsome."

"Chris that's clearly you"

I'm not fucking blind I can see that it's me.

"Is it?" I said squinting some more "He obviously has a full grown man beard, I got a clean shave"

"Chris you killed my sister?"

"No, she sorta fell down the stairs"

She sighed "Guess what"


Tiana started to laugh "I'm just joking, I don't know that girl"

"So how you know her name?"

"When I woke up in your red room I looked at all the pictures hanging up and they all had names on them. I have a great memory so I remembered the Chantel chick"

I looked at her confused "You were in my red room?"

She nodded "Trey brought me down there"

"I was about to say... I thought I was gonna have to hurt you"

"Baby Let me ask something, why do you always threaten to hurt me?"

I smiled "You really wanna know why?"


"It turns me on in a weird way. I enjoy hurting women just for my own pleasures. But I can't hurt you because I love you too much."

She kept a straight face "Now what If I constantly told you that I wanted to hurt you?"

"I wouldn't take you serious. I'd just think that you'd want the dick"

"Are you serious?"

I nodded "Yeah, I get turned on by shit like that. Why you think I stopped having aggressive sex with you? I always felt it leading up to me physically harming you and I couldn't do that"

"So you fantasize about me getting hurt or even killed?"

"Not anymore...." I confessed.

"Anymore?! When did you start feeling that way towards me?"

I sighed "When we first met but... You kinda changed me"

"You always seem to surprise me with crazy shit, it never fails"

"Well look at it this way, would you rather be with a crazy nigga who adores you or be with a normal basic nigga who doesn't take time to love you like I do"

Tiana smirked "I'd rather be with a crazy nigga who adores me and has an amazing stroke game"

"Ok then" I kissed her on her lips passionately. "Imma be right back Ti, I have to call your doctor so he can take that shit out of your arm"

She smiled at me "Okay baby"

Tiana confuses me sometimes, she gets upset with me then she gets turned on afterwards. Is it my wordplay? I never met someone like her it's...weird to me.

She's been acting like this a lot lately, is it because she's bipolar? I don't know I know it's gotta be something else. I just need to figure out what it is.


Stay Tuned For The Next Chapter 🤗

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