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"Merida!" Hiccup cried as the red headed girl was held at knife point. The assasin smiled at him, Jack and Rapunzel smugly.

"You will never see her again unless you do exactly as I say."

"Hiccup -" Merida whispered as the knife pressing against her pale neck began to draw blood. Her navy dress was ripped and bloodstained, her curly hair even more of a tangle than usual.

"Shut up Scot," the assasin snarled as Merida struggled with all her might to be rid of him but at the same time not get killed.

Without thinking, Hiccup did the only thing that made sense to him. He ran forward and pinned the man to the floor, setting Merida free and releasing the man's grip on the knife. They struggled on the floor for a few, terrible seconds, but without Hiccup realising it the man was muttering a curse under his breath.

"Rip apart these four so strong,
Make them believe they don't belong,
The one born of fire and the daughter of the sun,
The ice cursed boy and the Viking chief's son.
Let them be expelled from life,
The dark blade of Time's cruel knife.
Make them weak and let them bleed,
Of these spells, Mordu, take heed."

He threw Hiccup off of him and onto the ground. He turned and smiled at the Big Four.

"You will never see each other again. I gave you the chance, but now you can never be together. So long, Big Four."

He bowed, grinning evilly and disappearing in a split second.

"What did he mean?" Rapunzel panicked, holding onto Jack's arm. "Wait, why do I feel faint?"

She fell into Jack, who supported her as best he could, for he was finding it hard to stand too. They were all feeling weaker, less strong...

"He cursed us!" Merida cried, putting her face in her hands and falling to her knees. Hiccup fell beside her and put his thin arms around her. "We're, we're going to die. All four of us."

"What?" Jack fell down with Rapunzel in his arms. He couldn't stand anymore. It felt like all the strength within his was being sapped away, they were all barely able to speak.

"I promise I will find you all," Rapunzel whispered.

"How is that even possible?" Merida wheezed.

"Reincarnation." Hiccup couldn't talk much more, so instead he kissed Merida's cheek, for what he thought would be the last time he would get the chance. Her cheek was soft, like cotton, and as he closed his eyes he feared they would never see Merida's electric blue eyes again.

"Hic -?" Merida turned her head towards him, surprised by his action.

"I've always loved you Merida," he whispered. "I needed to tell you. Now."

"Hic -"

"I love you Mer. I p, promise I'll find you."

Without warning, Hiccup fell to the ground. He wasn't breathing. Merida leant over him, a tear running down her cheek.

"No, Hic -" she gasped. "No, can't you see I love you too - no Hiccup, I love you, no..."

Merida fell on top of Hiccup's lifeless form and whispered,

"I love you -" and fell into his arms, the pair forever together in death.

"Rapunzel - I'm about to die -" Jack choked, but before he could finish his sentence, Rapunzel had pressed her lips to his with as much passion as she could muster.

"I love you Jack. You had to know. Before..."

Rapunzel went limp in his arms, and her vast green eyes closed to the world.

"No, Rapunzel, no..." Jack whispered. He looked around at his best friends, dead before him, and he felt like the world was slipping away from his grasp. He choked out one last sentence -

"I'll find you all -" before he fell to the floor.

The Big Four was over. Their bodies lay there for a second before they vanished as their curse that made them die acted to clean up it's handiwork. Their deaths were never known of in there kingdoms, as the bodies were never found. The world became dark and gloomy, depressed and lonely. Until 1000 years later, hope emerged from the everlasting pit of darkness.

A/N I don't know what you guys think about this story, but I think it's OK so far. Please give me feedback as to how I can improve, ideas for plot lines and whether I should continue.
Thanks guys!

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