[]Chapter 13[]

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I gathered the two into the room, already snorting with laughter. Tony and Steve raised eyebrows at me, and I couldn't help but fall to the ground and roll for a couple minutes. It was just so funny to me! No words were spoken as they both leaned over and glanced at me worriedly.

Tiny gasps came from my shaking form, as my laughter faded. I slowly rose from the floor, pretending like that just didn't happen. I dusted off my navy blue Breaking Benjamin tee and black skinny jeans, now completely professional. I rested the urge to burst into peals of laughter, at least until I was out of public again.

Glancing at the two, I turned the video on and sat back, watching their reactions to last night's commentary. Steve grew red in the face and Tony exited the room. Still no words spoken. My hand was pressed tightly to my face as I stifled the sounds of humor.

The video finished and I turned the lights back on. Steve turned to me. "Sorry about my...um...behavior last night," he apologized. I chuckled quietly.

"It's fine. I knew you were drunk, it was really funny actually. It got annoying after an hour though," I informed him happily.

Steve turned sheepish and glanced at his feet, turning red again. "Well, your costume does make you look...uh....fine," he mumbled under his breath. Another laugh from me, and I walked over by him. 

"Thanks," I patted his back, sitting in a chair beside him. "So, how would you like to go out and enjoy your brand new immortality tomorrow? We can go and see the Statue of Liberty! I've always wanted to go," I suggested.

"Good idea! I haven't gone yet either, sounds like a plan," he replied.

"Awesome! It's a date!" I grinned, standing. 

"A date?" Steve questioned.

"Wow. You only get choice words don't you? But yes, if you want, a date," I replied, kissing him on the cheek and heading back to my room. It was only noon, but I felt like sitting in my room in my PJ's while chomping on some popcorn. 

That's exactly what I did. Wrapped up in a blanket, pulled my hair into a ponytail, and changed into some pjs. I sat in front of the T.V. with my popcorn and turned on some stupid show, deciding it was a good enough way to amuse myself.

An hour in, there was a knock on the door. I figured it was just Steve, so I got up and opened the door.


The black haired man before me grinned mischievously. "Shania. Or as they call you now, Pyra," he responded, stepping into my room and glancing around.

"I don't have time for your nonsense. What do you want?" I hissed, not pleased with his sudden appearance.

"It looks like you have plenty of time," he stated, picking up my bowl of popcorn and glancing at the T.V. "Plenty."

"Yes, I have time on my hands. But now for you. Now tell me, why the hell are you here?" I growled once again, growing irritated. 

"I came to get you back into H.U."

"Heroes United? Why would I go back there? You all treated me like shit, besides for the fact the place is mislabeled! You're all evil!" I snapped, wishing by now this man would get out of my face, and out of my life once again. I thought I had gotten rid of him before, but I guess not.

He grabbed me around the throat, and lifted me from the ground. "You will come back or I will kill everyone on this ship, or plane, or whatever the hell it is," he snarled, pulling his face closer to mine, which was growing bluer. 

My grey eyes widened, scared at his threat and simply because I couldn't breathe. "Put me...the f*ck down...then we'll...talk," I gasped. He let me down.

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