[]Chapter 5[]

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What do you do when you get bored? Write another chapter! Whoop! xD


I woke up to a very sterile room, with white-washed walls and everything. I sat up quickly, worried, then grimaced in pain and lay back down just as fast. Then I tried to sit up again, slower this time.

My eyes took in the room, recognizing it as a hospital. Lastly, I took in Tony sitting in a chair by my bed. I leaned forward and poked him. 

He sat forward, blinking, then taking in my figure. "Shania!" he exclaimed, hugging me. If I hadn't known any better, it was like someone shot me. My brows furrowed.

"Why am I here?" I asked, and then remembered everything. The run, the reunion, the snake bite.

"In the morning when the truck finally stopped, you were a strange shade of purple and you wouldn't wake up. We rushed you straight here, where they informed us you were bitten by a cobra of some sort. You've been in a coma for nine days. We thought you weren't going to make it," he informed me.

I hugged him tightly. "Well I did. I guess I should thank my powers for that," I murmured into his shoulder. He stroked my hair, and then I realized what he just said. Nine. Days. You were M.I.A. for nine days. 

"I'm really sorry to do this, but I've got no choice. I have orders to take you straight to Fury as soon as you woke up and got dressed," he whispered into my hair. I pulled back.

"So where are my clothes?" I asked. He pointed to the chair next to him. "I-I'm supposed to change in here?" I stuttered. He nodded. Yup, that was the Tony I knew and loved. I grabbed my clothes and hobbled over to the other side of the bed.

"Just letting you know, if you peak I'm going to put a cobra in your bed," I teased. A look of fake horror crossed his face, and he nodded.

"Got it.".

I quickly changed into a fresh pair of skinny jeans and white t-shirt, to my dismay matched Tony's outfit. "Oh? Matching outfits, eh?" I asked him, walking around the other side of the hospital bed. I pulled some socks on while he tried to think of a reply.

"I didn't not pick your outfit out. Natasha did," he answered. I growled, not being able to tease him about something, and tied on my boots. 

"OK, well I'll talk to her about that later. For now, lead the way, Iron Man," I said, standing up straight and saluting. He laughed and lead the way out of the room, me following right behind him.

"You promise you aren't going to run off this time? JARVIS and I made a few changes to the suit, so you wouldn't get very far this time," he informed me.

I laughed. "I promise I won't run off this time. If it makes you feel better you can hold my hand so you can calm your fears," I told him. He chuckled, and grabbed my hand.

"I think I will," he replied. I smiled and walked side-by-side with him until we reached a door. Strangely enough, the hospital was in some sort of plane. Well I guess you see something new everyday.

Tony looked more worried than I did. "Don't worry. I'm sure I can handle a couple of super heroes," I joked and removed my hand from his. The door slid open with a whoosh and before me sat the people I had met yesterday, suited up this time. 

"Good to see you are finally awake. Now sit down Shania," the man, whom I assumed was Director Fury, told me. I took a seat next to Natasha, and Tony sat down beside me.

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