[]Chapter 2[]

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"Aw man that was amazing! We got to skip the whole line AND got a discount!" I exclaimed, looking at Tony. He nodded, pleased with himself. I found it slightly funny that he had actually bribed everyone there for those privileges, but eh, it was still fun.

"Happy Birthday!" I heard three varying voices scream from across the dance floor, and I looked expectantly towards my friends. 

The first to reach me was my red-headed friend, Ashley. She embraced me in a tight hug then stood to my side while the others arrived. Next, Tara. She was a brunette, and far more quiet around people she didn't know. I hugged her, then turned to Natalia. A blond like I, Natalia had always been a threat. We kept each other around for varying reasons however.

As a wise man once said, "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.". 

Anyway, once everyone had hugged me they all turned to look at Tony. Ashley raised an eyebrow at me. "I hope you don't expect me to pay for him too," she stated, and I burst out laughing.

Tony stepped forward. "Don't worry, I'll pay for myself," he said, then turned to me, laughing. "You told me," he grinned.

I finally caught my breath, nodding through my tears. I wiped my eyes, glad for waterproof mascara, and smiled mischievously. "So, who wants to dance?" I asked.

Two screams and a "Let's do it!" later, I found myself amongst a large crowd, gathered upon the dance floor. Tony looked almost uncomfortable. I could tell he wasn't used to being among so many people at one time, pressed so close.

"Just relax will you? Pretend for one night you aren't a billionaire!" I screamed over the music. His face cleared, and he laughed and nodded. 

I grabbed his hand and dragged him into the middle of the floor, Ashley, Natalia, and Tara followed. I could tell they weren't too happy about Stark here with us, but I didn't care. It was, after all, my birthday.

~<>~1 Hour Later~<>~

"I am so sorry for stepping on your foot! I really can't dance can I?" I apologized, after stepping on Tony's foot several times throughout the hour. 

He laughed. "It's fine. I stepped on your foot multiple times, and several other people's too. It was so packed I can't blame you," he replied.

"Either way, I can't dance," I teased myself, tying my flats on tighter so they didn't fall off. Thank goodness I had put both perfume and deodorant on, or else I would smell like I had been swimming in the sewer. Now I had gratefully saved myself from that, and smelled like strawberries.

A slow song came on, and all of my friends had found themselves dances. Tony and I bought a couple drinks and sat down at a table near the back, where the music was quietest.

"I am so glad you didn't ask me to slow dance," Tony said. I looked wounded by his comment, obviously, and he quickly said, "What I meant by that was- it's a good thing you didn't ask me to slow dance, because I'm even worse at that then regular dancing," he quickly recovered.

A laugh came out of my mouth. "I was glad you didn't ask me to dance, for the exact same reason!" I exclaimed. He started laughing with me, uncontrollably.

"We're drunk!" Tony said happily, and I nodded. 

"Yes, yes we are!" I replied, still laughing. At the time being it didn't occur to either of us that someone would need to drive us both home, we were having too marvelous a time.

The slow song ended and I dragged Tony back to the dance floor.

~<>~Two Hours Later~<>~

Five drunk adults walked, rather stumbled, out of the club at around two in the morning. Driving was not an option, for any of us.

I, being the one who was the closest to sober, realized we would have to walk home and come get our cars in the morning. Ashley, Natalia, Tara, and I lived not far from the club, but Tony lived on the other side of the city. "Guess you're staying with me tonight, Tony," I chuckled, and dragged him towards my apartment.

The key was in my shoe, and I unlocked the door. The three room building was just the way I left it. "Alright Tony, you can get my bed for the night. The bathroom is there, and the kitchen is over there. Feel free to help yourself," I told him.

Now slightly more sober, he turned to me and asked, "Where will you be sleeping?" he asked. I nodded my head towards the couch.

Without another word, he filed off towards the room. I threw a few blankets on the couch, then realized I needed some PJ's. I knocked on the door. 

Tony poked out his head, the nearness of his face startling. I pulled my head back. "I need some PJ's," I said. He nodded and opened the door. I grabbed some pajamas from my drawer and walked out the door without a word.


Ha ha. Drunk adults. Sorry, I absolutely couldn't resist. I personally have never done something like this, as I'm not even old enough to legally drink in public, so no worries. If you ever have, I'd love to hear some stories. Drunk stories are usually funny, as long as no one gets hurt. No drinking while driving. -________- Seriously, my friend's mother was almost killed by a drunk driver, so don't go drinking and driving.

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