[]Chapter 8[]

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I knocked on Tony's door, and he opened it, looking surprised to see me. I opened my mouth to say something, but he swooped me into a hug so tight I couldn't breathe. I tapped his shoulder and he let me down.

"Look, we need to talk in private," I told him. He nodded and stepped aside so I could enter. The door closed behind me. We sat down in opposite facing chairs.

Tony jumped right it. "That girl I was kissing meant nothing. She was just a surprisingly strong fan," he rushed to explain.

"It didn't look like you were trying too hard to get away," I replied, narrowing my eyes. This was already a bad idea.

Tony hung his head. "To be honest, I wasn't. That's because at first I thought she was you," he answered.

I pulled a face, thinking. "You swear you are telling the truth? Because if I find out otherwise, you'll face hell," I threatened.

"I swear, that's what happened.".

I sighed. "Alright, I guess I'll believe you. Just remember what I said.". He nodded solemnly. "So, I've decided it's best if we start over. Pretend like we just met," I finished.

Tony didn't look too happy about it, but there was no way he could change my mind. "Anyway, Steve and I have decided to do a press interview. Do you want to be part of it?" I asked him while standing.

"Yes.". I nodded and left, heading towards the lab.

Again, I found Bruce in his chair, staring at his computer. I came over and sat down by him. "So, what's the news?" I asked, slightly scared.

"Well I've confirmed that your blood is ichor, the blood of a goddess. Therefore, you are immortal. The bad side of that is that you cannot have children," Bruce began. I nodded, seeing problems already for the whole immortal thing. The children I could live with. Adopting was always on option, if I ever did want children.

"Also, this blood is new. It just developed the other night, thanks to the alcohol in your system. The thing is, you'll be getting some strange new abilities soon," he finished.

"Like what?" Was my immediate question.

"Well, for one your senses will be boosted, as well as your strength, speed, reflexes, etc. You get where I'm going with that. Second, you will likely get the ability to shape-shift, and if not you will at least have wings. That's all I know of at the moment," Bruce answered. I nodded.

"Alright. I'm going to go talk to the others about this," I told him, and left in search of Tony and Steve.

~<>~Half An Hour Later~<>~

I stopped outside of the cafeteria, where I had located both of the people I was looking for. Thankfully, the advanced senses part was coming in right about now and I could hear everything they were saying. No shape-shifting or wings yet.

"Steve, she's way out of both of our leagues. I can't even believe she still puts up with us," Tony said.

"I know that, Tony. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts," Steve replied. 

"Besides for that, she doesn't even know about the fortune," Tony continued. "Once she finds out, it's bye bye for both of us.".

A sigh from both Steve and Tony. "Well then, I guess we just watch and wait," Steve answered. Tony started to say something else, but I walked in at the moment. I had heard enough. 

I looked at them both, full on in the face. "Tony, what fortune?" I demanded.

Tony coughed. "Um..mine?" he lied.

"Tony. One more time. What. Fortune?".

He sighed. "Your grandmother left your family quite a bit of money, and it just transferred into your bank account yesterday," he broke.

I nodded. "Better. Don't go lying to me. Anyway, I got the test results and I've got good news and bad news," I told them both, sitting down at the table.

"Good news first. My blood is ichor, or blood of the gods. Therefore, I am a goddess. Second, I'll be developing new powers soon. Those include but aren't limited too; shape-shifting, advanced sense, heightened reflexes, and increased speed, strength, flexibility, and so on," I told them.

"We always new you were a goddess," Steve whispered. I grinned at him.

"Thank you," I replied, laughing. His face turned red. I obviously was not supposed to hear that.

"So, what's the bad news?" Tony asked, concerned.

"The bad news is, I'm immortal and can't have children," I concluded. They both stared at me in shock.

"So, what you're saying is, while we continue to age you'll be twenty-one forever?" Steve asked. I nodded. 

"More good news. I got the conference booked for tomorrow,". Nothing. Both of them were deep in thought. 

Tony asked what they were both thinking about. "Could we become immortal too?". I shrugged.

"That question would probably be better off proposed to Banner," I told them. Somehow it was nearing dinner time. "I'm going to grab a bite to eat, and then I'm going to go train. Do you both want to come, and then we can talk to Banner when we're done?".

"Yes," they answered in unison. I grinned at them both. 

"Good. Let's get going," I told them. 


So there you go. Now, I have to go to bed but I should be updating tomorrow. Again, I will try to update as often as possible, because I'm as excited to see where this goes as you all are. I am still trying to decide what happens at the press conference, so......yeah. Any ideas?

Pyromaniacs (Watty Awards)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora