Dragon Flower

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It was an average morning on Berk. Hiccup was busy making a new ink drawing of his dragon, Toothless. But when he placed his feather pen into his inkwell, it came out dry. Hiccup frowned as he checked the inkwell to find it empty. It looks like he was gonna have to get some more ink.

Berk is a small island in the middle of nowhere. So when we get a taste of something new...

Bucket was standing on the edge of his bucket, waiting for the one thing he and his fellow Berkians had been waiting many months for. And that was the arrival of...

"Trader Johann is here. Trader Johann!" Bucket yelled excitedly as the trader's ship sailed past his boat, accidentally upturning it in the process.

...we tend to go a little overboard. Unfortunately, new isn't always good...

With various goods, Berk's villagers rushed to the docks in order to get an early start on Trader Johann's inventory and get the best deals. The eight riders were already up and armed with some of their own old belongings, watching eagerly as Trader Johann lowered his ship's gangplank.

"Ah, Berk, my favorite  of all the islands I travel to." Trader Johann beamed at the sight of all his eager customers.

"Where have you been to this time, Trader Johann?" Bucket asked eagerly.

"Oh, Bucket, the things I've seen, the people I've met! I'd need a week to regale you, but alas, we have limited time to conduct our business together." Johann said kindly before facing the people of Berk, he announced, "Whatever it is you're looking for, I can assure you, you'll find it here!"

Agnes was the first one to step on the ship as she charged up the gangplank along with her equally eager friends. 

"It's all mine. I call dibs on everything." Snotlout said as he looked at all the various goods with eager eyes.

"I've got food of all sorts, spices, exotic animals..." As Johann said this, spikes suddenly protruded from a bag Tuffnut was looking at!

"Is that moving? Does that one move? I think I saw it move..." The male twin said, wondering how much the spiky bag would cost in trade.

Agnes happily picked out a metal-plated wooden shield before grinning as she spotted a barrel full of swords.

"Works of art, jewelry, not to mention knowledge," Johann concluded as Fishlegs came over to him with a little leather-bound book.

"Trader Johann, is this your only book on Botany?" The husky Ingerman boy asked. "Yes, Mr. Fishlegs, why it was given to me by the author himself." Trader Johann informed him. Fishlegs then held up a necklace made of dragon teeth. "Would you take this necklace? It's made from baby dragon's teeth." He inquired hopefully. "Fair enough, Mr. Fishlegs." Trader Johann said, taking the necklace off of Fishlegs' hands.

Dragons: Riders of Berk (To Be Revamped)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora