In Dragons We Trust

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The first thing you'll learn in Dragon Academy is that both dragon and rider must trust each other. So it was no surprise when one particular afternoon, Hiccup took the other riders to the skies to do the extreme version of the trust fall exercise with their dragons.

As you fly through life it's always good to know who you can trust... 

Hiccup smiles contentedly as he falls through the air. The ocean rapidly approaching as he continues his descent. Flipping himself over to face the oncoming water, patiently waiting. 

...and who you can't.

Just as he was to hit the frigid ocean, Toothless swooped in and caught him. "Nice catch bud!" Hiccup complimented, petting Toothless before looking back down on the raging waves. "...A little close..." He commented.

I know I can always count on Toothless. And it's important for him to know... that no matter what... he can count on me.

After doing some stunts, Hiccup and Toothless flew back to join the others.  The brunette then turned to the next person who's going to execute the trust fall exercise-Fishlegs. "Alright Fishlegs, you're up."

"I really don't want to jump," Fishlegs protested nervously, steeling himself not to look down.

"The whole point of this is to believe that she's gonna catch you! It's a trust exercise. This is very important when riding and training dragons, it's all about trust." Hiccup informed him.

"I'm sure you and Meatlug can do it!" Agnes encouraged.

"I prefer to trust when my feet are firmly on the ground, thank you very much!" Fishlegs squeaked nervously.

"Why don't you move aside and let me show you how it's done, chicken-legs." Snotlout sneered before sliding off Hookfang's saddle and falling. "WHOO-HOO-HOO-HOO!" As Snotlout continues to free-fall, the rest of the teens noticed that Hookfang didn't make a move to rescue Snotlout. The Nightmare probably didn't even notice that Snotlout has slid off.

"I don't think Snotlout's gonna hit the water," Ingrid observed, looking at protruding rock spires from the ocean near the cliffs. 

"So...should we mention something to Hookfang?" Tuffnut asked.

"Let me think about it..." Ruffnut replied nonchalantly as she leaned on Barf's head. "...maybe after a nap."

"Seriously guys?" Agnes asked the twins, who shrugged.

Astrid steered Stormfly to fly alongside Hookfang. "Hookfang! Go get him!" She commanded. The Nightmare looked at Astrid with a questioning gaze. "Hurry!" Astrid added as she pointed to the falling Jorgenson boy. The Monstrous Nightmare then looked down and finally noticed his rider was falling.

"Not feeling the trust!" Snotlout shouted, flailing his arms and legs around as he continues to fall.

Hookfang finally snapped out of his shock and dived down to rescue his rider. The Nightmare managed to catch the boy but there was no time to maneuver properly. 

"AH! COMIN! IN TOO HOT! AHH!" Snotlout yells before they crashed through a house's roof.

"Oh no," Ingrid said worriedly as she realized whose roof Snotlout and Hookfang crashed into.

"Something tells me that I'm not gonna hear the end of this," Hiccup muttered under his breath with a groan.

Meanwhile, Snotlout and Hookfang were recovering from their crash, once they recovered their senses they've found out who owns the house they just crashed into. "Mildew!" The Jorgenson boy gulped as soon as he saw the old coot scowling at him. Immediately getting on his Nightmare, Snotlout high tailed it out of the old Viking's house which caused more damage to the roof.

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