Friend or Foe? Meeting Luffy's Little Brother!

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Generic title is generic. Enjoy the chapter! Also, I have a frustrating problem between past and present tense, so if I constantly switch between the two I apologize.

Luffy... would not let go, and Kakashi couldn't get loose or use a replacement jutsu because Luffy knows him and makes sure he couldn't form any hand signs by crushing the smaller male to his chest. Kakashi's kicks didn't harm the rubberman at all, and if  he so much as twitched his fingers, said rubberman would go on and bite them.


The ninja, resigned, listened in as Vivi explains her motives for infiltrating Baroque Works and ignoring her subtle, wary glances at him even after Luffy had cheerfully explained his relation and trustworthiness. Wearily, Vivi continues with her explanation while Kakashi, noticing Luffy's distraction at the mention of Mr. Zero, achingly slowly, shifts his arms—

Kakashi did not squeak when Luffy licked his hands. No, he did not.

He hears laughter and sees Nami and Zoro snickering at his expense—even Vivi seemed to drop her guard after the sight. Kakashi frowned, it hurt his manly pride to be laughed at like this. Luckily, he was saved by Igaram's arrival.

"Maa Maa maah! Princess! You're alright!" Igaram found them, tired, but smiling. "And in high spirits, I'm glad."

"Igaram!" The princes smiles and runs forward to hug the man. She backs off a bit, and takes notice of his familiar attire. "...what are you wearing?"

Kakashi catches a glance at his former target, raising a brow when he does. He doesn't say anything, though he does wonder where the man found such a perfect match for Vivi's clothing. He must have prepared it beforehand, the possibility of finding such identical fabrics in the short amount of time he had was below two percent, as Vivi's clothes were unique.


Igaram looks up from Vivi to see her companions, and finding who he had expected. Strawhat, the Swordsman, the orange haired girl who wanted a billion beli, and Mr. Six. Nodding at his correct headcount, he begins to explain his plan of becoming a decoy-

"Mr. Six?!" Igaram's eyes bulged dramatically and he immediately went to hide Vivi from the agent's view. Slate grey eyes watched his reaction, unimpressed. It was then when Igaram notices the rubbery arms keeping the teen pinned and, apparently, docile (Foolish man, there was no such thing as a docile shinobi-). Igaram calms down and relaxes his stance somewhat, confusion growing as the strawhatted boy begins to laugh, and his two companions chuckle. Still, he is relieved and impressed.

"So you managed to subdue him after all!" He says, "But why do you have him with you?"

"He could be useful." Strawhat grins, and Igaram sees their apparent captive roll his eyes in the lanky teen's  grip as he continues. "You know-" The rubber teen looks to his friends. "-as a chore boy."

And then Igaram is incredulous, Kakashi is offended, and Vivi is the one who rolls her eyes. Luffy isn't finished, and squeezes Kakashi a bit tighter.

"He's such an idiot, he told who he was the moment we saw him." Luffy looks down at his little brother and grins. "Isn't that right, Kakashi?" He asks, as if his little lie-not-lie was true. Kakashi is even more offended, though somewhat proud. The part-truth was flawlessly told. With Kakashi's influence, the rubberman's 'lying' skills improved exponentially from when he was a child, but jokes on him though, Kakashi is the better actor.

"Don't listen to him!" Kakashi growls out, pushing anger to the front of his expression, and then a facade of near panic underneath. "I heard what they were gonna do!  They said that if I didn't do as they said, they were gonna tie me up with rope and toss me overboard, dragging me behind their ship!" He exclaimed, pulling off the act of terrified but rebellious child with very little effort.

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