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Sorry for any spelling errors! Happy Easter 2019!

Turns out, it's Kakashi who makes the first scene.

The man at the door refused to believe that a band of unruly brats with no guardians were actually invited to the ball. He looked slightly familiar. Kakashi, personally, felt offended at the fact that he wasn't considered the guardian in their quaint little family, five-year-old appearance be damned. Here, see, he's going to calmly talk to this man like the responsible adult he could be-

"Hey, you! Tiny one, are you listening to me?

Oh no, this man was asking for it. Kakashi just decided he'd be civil-

"Did you hear what I said, little boy?" Oh boy-

"Hm?" Kakashi glanced up, silvery slate-gray eyes only barely hiding his amusement. He caught the trio of brothers looking at him incredulously. Was he really going to do that? He's the one who said not to make a scene-"Did you say something?" the mini-shinobi asked cheekily, playing the role of innocent child effortlessly. The ASL trio knew better however and each took a step away from their littlest member. His stance was angled in a way that would let him bolt easily through the man's legs if need be, maybe even trip him.

"Little boys like you shouldn't be stealing royal invitations from real nobles." The man sneered. "Scram before I report you four for theft, trespassing, and burglary of noble homes." Ah! Kakashi remembered where he'd seen this man before.

"You sound personally offended, mister former noble sir." Kakashi mused as innocently as possible, catching the man off-guard. "What? Had the royal family forgotten to send you an invitation?"

"Perhaps they had! What would a tiny peasant like you know about it anyway?" The man fumed. Kakashi arched a brow as the ASL wondered if they were going to have that tasty rich-people food at all.

"Oh? Sir, it sounded as if you were accusing your king and his family of a wrong against you?" Kakashi was just having fun with this now. "Perhaps I should tell them when you let me inside. Maybe they'll know their mistake and invite you nonetheless." The man was turning a funny shade of red, like a red balloon stuffed with tomatoes that was going to keep filling and filling until-

"You are NOT welcome here!" The man yelled at Kakashi, who stared unblinkingly. "I am the one at these doors, I am the one who decides who the King and his family invited to the princess' ball!"

Ace looked around as the outburst had several people looking their way. The freckled(though they're covered) boy asked Sabo if Kakashi was going to pull the "threatened child" act. Sabo frowned and shook his head.

"These nobles don't give a damn wether or not a child is crying, as long as it was not theirs or that of the royal family." Sabo muttered back. "If that's what Kakashi's planning, then we overestimated him in that regard."

Luffy laughed a bit to himself, making the other two look at him curiously. The raven grinned and pointed at Kakashi. "He's not gonna cry or anything! He's still smiling!"

Oh. Sabo and Ace blinked, looking at the exposed lower portion of the ninja boy's face. They weren't used to looking there for any hint of facial expression. Usually there's the mask. But Luffy was right. Kakashi wasn't acting as if he'd cry. They watched as he pointed at the man and straightened his posture. Then Kakashi, with more confidence than a five year old should reasonably possess, declared, "tHIS MAN WON'T LET ME AND MY FRIENDS IN!"

There was silence from the surrounding people gathered, but before they could even finish the thought of the sheer ridiculousness of the statement, the brown-haired boy with purple markings on his face continued.

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