In which a princess wants a servant.

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She had been greeting many people all day, but none of these lower class nobles were worth her high-class effort. The one she was really looking for was a boy.

Yes, Sarie Nantokanette has met a...boy. A fair-looking boy with curly brown hair, a beauty mark on his chin, and composed slate-gray eyes. Don't be mistaken, however. This boy was a commoner. A penniless little the rest of the peasants...

A week and a half ago...

Seven-year-old Sarie was simply making fun of the commoners with her higher-class friends (not as high as her, of course, but they were closer to the family than those other so-called nobles) as they chatted elegantly before it was time for dinner.

It was then, that the unthinkable happened. Stinky brutes wearing tacky rags went and grabbed her from her friends. It was traumatizing, really! The incompetence of those guards was punishable by death! Only after these lowlife scum that dared even steal a glance at Sarie and her friends.

"Scum!" She screeched as she struggled. "Release me, you filthy boar! No better than cattle! When my mommy and daddy hear of this I'll have you execute—"

"Shut up, you prissy brat!"

Sarie Nantokanette blacked out.


When Sarie came to again, she felt miserable. There was this terrible pain in her head, her hair was a mess, her beautiful rich dress was tattered and dirty, she was splotched with mud, her hands were tied, and she was laying down on filthy dirt. She screamed in disgust and tears welled up in her eyes. She was filthy! She can't let anyone see her, Princess Nantokanette, in such a state! Especially whoever was going to save her—they might mistake her for some filthy peasant girl! Taking in a decently appropriate amount of air, she opened her mouth.

"I demand a hot bath and servants if you're going to hold me hostage, scum! I am Princess Nantokanette, you filthy, disgusting commoner, treat me with respect!"

There was a bellowing call from beyond the door to her small cell room. "Shut up, before I decide to kill you instead, you whiny pompous brat!"

Sarie fumed furiously, about to remind the commoner of his place in the world when she heard a soft squeak. Turning to the side, she saw window creak open and a small figure slid inside. The stranger was completely silent in their actions that Sarie felt a bit nervous.

Was this commoner going to kill her?

As the figure moved closer, Sarie noted the other boy's (it was a boy) simple but clean clothing, wavy brown locks, and bored-looking silver eyes. He didn't seem surprised to see her. In fact he stared at her for a long time, as if contemplating wether of not he should release her.

"Well?" Sarie huffed. "Untie me! What are you waiting for, an invitation?"

The boy blinked at her for a good few moments before sighing softly and stepping behind her. Soon Sarie felt her hands fall free. She smiled smugly at her out-witting of her captors.

"Now, bring me ho—?" Sarie saw the boy already making his way to the window from which he came is with a sack of what seemed to be money slung over his back. "Wait! Where are you going, commoner?!" She called after him.

"Home. Duh." The brunette replied. Sarie gasped. How dare this boy talk to her treasonously!

" dare you! I'll have you know that I'm going to be Queen one day! Don't forget that!"

"Oh, really."

The way he said was incredibly infuri—the boy was already climbing out the window—no! He needed to help her get out, what was he, stupid?! No he wanted something. Commoners were like that...


The boy paused again.

"What do you want! Just get me out of here, boy! I'll...I'll...give you an invitation to my party! You should be happy with that, right?!"

The boy, this time, did stop, and set down the bag he'd been about to steal. He stretched a bit and looked at her, an amused look in his eyes. "Maa, maybe I was waiting for an invitation, after all."

With that, he carried her bridal-style out onto the streets and jumped all the way to the top of a building in one bound, surprising Sarie. She didn't know commoner children could jump this high! She held on tightly as the boy effortlessly sprinted across the rooftops of the kingdom, fearless of the great jumps and sometimes messy terrain. Soon, they had arrived at the palace at where she lived.

"Yosh." He said simply, setting her down. They had landed directly into the courtyard of the palace, with the attention of every occupant whom were, just moments before, minding their own business. Until a boy carrying the missing princess fell from the sky.

"Holy Roger's sweet 'stache! Where the heck did they come from?!" A passing merchant cried in alarm, nearly dropping their goods.

The boy snorted and placed Sarie down none-too-gently but not-too-roughly either. Sending her a two-fingered salute, he ran away with a wink.

It wasn't until she was ushered in by frantic servants, that Sarie notice that he had never given his name.


Sarie sighed, sitting upon her birthday throne and looking for her potential servant. Surely he would appreciate the job, dirt-poor as he probably was...

At the same time, Sukea walked with his three friends: Aciel, Soba, and Lucifer, towards the palace for their promised meal... as long as they behaved.

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