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I felt so stupid for talking to a dead person until it moved.

I jump up and take a few steps back.

The body just raised his hand and pointed towards a table.

I followed its direction and saw another dead body.

This guy is lying on a large table, with a sword stabbed in his heart.

This sword. I touch it and it started shining. I take it out of the body and hold it with both my hands.

This is so heavy.

"Where in the hell did that came from!? It just appeared from thin air........." Jonathan seemed really shocked.

"I took it out of the body of a dead man. I think this sword can kill Dolus."

"How are you so sure?"

"I am not. It's my gut feeling. And my gut is telling me to leave this place. Now!!" I don't know why but I feel something is going to be wrong. "Let's just find Julian and Jeremy.......... Jonathan careful!!"

I warned him but he was quick himself.

He punches one dead person and kicks other in the ribs.

All the dead bodies in this room started attacking Jonathan, one after the another.

But none of them were attacking me.

Was it because I had the sword??

But he can't even see them. He can just feel them hurting him.

I need to help him.

I held the sword up high and said in a commanding voice, "Leave him alone!!"

None of them stopped. They kept attacking him.

I help him with my power but the opposition power outnumbered us.

What now!?

'Those who need help will get by asking.' Should I ask them how to kill themselves? Or should I just ask them to let Jonathan go?

Time is ticking. He is already injured!! I just let my gut take over and said, "Can you people please show us a safe way out!! Please! Please! Pretty please!!"

And they stopped. What the hell!? Whoever came up with this stupid idea is a lunatic!!

The dead army showed us the way outside the castle. It seems like they are not allowed to leave the palace themselves.

I thanked them and they left, maybe going back to their dungeon.


Jonathan and I left the castle and started our journey towards the forest.

"My gut is telling me to find Julian. Can't you smell him or something?"

"What do you think I am? A dog?"

"You are not understanding. I think he is in danger------------"

"There he is!!" Jonathan suddenly said and I followed him.

And there he was. Standing near a lake. Waiting for me. He noticed me and smiled in my direction.

I smiled back at him.

He didn't seem mad for what I did to him. That's good.

"I found your brother and a sword. I think we can end Dolus with this." I bragged the sword in front of him and walked in towards him.

But wait a second. This seems so similar. I know this lake. I have seen this lake before. Is it my dream.........?

I hold Jonathan's arm, holding him back. He, too, was so happy to see his brother that he missed an important part...........

Jonathan looked back at me, his eyes asking for an explanation for stopping him.

"Where is Jeremy, Julian?"

My question makes Jonathan aware too that something is wrong.

He repeated my question, "Where is Jeremy?"

In return, Julian just smiled. He is not even looking at us. His full attention is on the sword in my hands.

I held out the sword and asked, "Why did you need me to go get this sword, Dolus!? Couldn't you do that on your own?"

With this, the person in front of us transferred from Julian to Dolus.

"This is the sword of the dead, princess. No living person can find it, but no dead person can use it. You were reborn. You don't fall in neither category."

"Why do you need this type of a thing?"

"What do you think? To take control over dead of course. This sword will make me master of the deads. They listened to your orders too, right? It was because of this sword. I have been waiting so long for you to get that sword for me."

"I don't think that the dead took my orders because of the sword."

"It's because you are innocent, princess. You don't know how to use authority. That's why you refused to be the queen. Stupid decision. Now give that sword to me so I can show you what it actually can do."

"And what makes you think you will get this sword or anything from me on that matter?"

"You don't have an option, princess."

"No. I do. NOW!!"

With this, Jonathan attacked him from behind, along with Julian and Jeremy. I can't believe I tricked Dolus. I was not expecting my power to work on him. I should thank him for his own curse. Without that, manipulating him would have become a hundred times more difficult.

He looks really lost for a second but recovers quite quickly.

He is actually fighting with three of them at the same time and he seems like winning.

Come on boys!! I thought about using my powers but they all are moving so fast. I don't want to hurt any of my teammates.

But what should I do? He seems to have an upper hand.

He punched Jeremy so hard that he flew away.

I ran towards him. He is badly injured. Blood flowing from his head as well as from the cuts he got during the fight.

He is unconscious and doesn't look well.

We need to get him help and that too fast.

When I was trying to talk to him, Jeremy murmured something I forgot everything about - that tree.

I didn't find any wooden weapon. So that means the tree is real, right?

I stopped thinking and started running. The quicker I would find that tree, we would be able to leave.

But how do I find it? There are so many trees here and all of them looked the same to me.

Just keep him busy boys and please stay strong Jeremy. I will get help to you real quick.

Just don't quit. Any of you please, don't quit.

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