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I am sitting on a couch, besides Justin, who is also Julian's brother and a doctor. He is doing my bandage while I am noticing the similarities between all three, or maybe four brothers, as the last member of this group also looks so identical to them.

My attention now jumped towards the other group, which I am guessing are my siblings.

Well, Zee is one of the proves and so is her, the only girl present in the room except for me.

Yes, the same one I found familiar. Now I remember who she looks like, me.

Looking alike is a different thing but she looks the same as me. Like totally same. Is she my......

Zee broke my train of thoughts and said, "Yes, she is your twin."

After the confirmation, I openly stared at her. She looks like my carbon-copy, except she has short blonde hair.

She, on the contrary, doesn't seem much happy to see me.

'Stay away from her' the voice said.

Why? She is my sister. My twin sister. I am so happy right now. I just want to jump up and down like a kid. I want to hug her and tell her how happy I am. Without even knowing I started smiling stupidly.

I calmed myself down a little, not wanting to come out like a lunatic, and said, "Hey, it's really nice to meet you."

I am sure Black family must be surprised by such behavior between siblings but I don't care. I am just so happy right now.

But she replied in a rude tone, "Nice, yaa its really nice to finally meet my mom's cause of death."

All my happiness disappeared. 

She does blame me.

The realization of this fact was so heavy that I hung my head down with its burden, trying to focus on my other hand which was in my lap, in order to avoid the tears from falling.

"Mary!" said the guy with the authoritative voice in a dark tone.

Mary seems like she has a lot more to say but was stopped by the third guy in Zee's group.

The guy with the authoritative voice then came near me and gave me a small smile before sitting on the couch. He extended his right hand and said in a more calmer tone, "I am Albert. Your eldest brother."

So he is eldest, no doubt he has such authority in his voice. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I thought this is how kids nowadays greet each other." He said while taking his hand back.

"No, no. You didn't offend me in any way." I said while shaking his hand with my right, injured one. "It's really nice to meet you, Albert. I am Rose."

He smiled before saying, "I am well aware of that."

Our small interaction caused my untired bandages to open.

I turn around and said, "Sorry. Justin, right?" before giving my hand back to him.

He said, "That's right." And simply started the bandaging process again. I ignored his odd tone of voice and turned my attention back to Albert, who was observing the conversation carefully, so carefully that it was almost awkward.

He then pointed towards the third guy and introduced him, "He is Shane."

Shane was kind of caught by surprise and just managed to say 'hey'. I waved my left hand in reply.

"She is Mary." pointing Mary out, Albert said. "And I guess you have already met Zachary."

"I have."

"How?" This was Shane."Did you go to meet her?"

"Why? Was he not supposed to?" I asked looking towards Zee, confused by Shane's question.

Zee, who ignored mine as well as Shane's question, come near me and asked, "How is your hand?"

God, I know where this is going and I don't like it. "It's fine. I wasn't badly hurt."

Till this time Justin has finished his bandaging and left the couch to stand beside his brothers, who were more than curious about our 'sibling chat'.

"You punched a zombie in the face."

"It was his fault."


"I am not the one at fault."

"Did you have dinner?"

I forgot about eating. "Well, first I unable to find that new house, then that zombie attacked me and then one thing after the other......"

"So it is what all that was about."

Okay, I agree I get pissed easily if I am not well-fed but that was not what my temper was about. "That was not it. That jerk crossed the line."

"He is not talking about your reaction, he is talking about your eyes," said Julian.

"Eyes? My eyes? What about my eyes?"

Hii, Hope you people are liking the story so far.

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HIDDEN- Sides, Truths, SecretsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant