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After taking a deep breath, I took out my phone and started my journey towards my new destination.


It is now dark and I am still unable to locate my home sweet home. And I am starting to get annoyed.

Because of the late hours, I can't even see any living being around. All of them must be in their beds, sleeping peacefully. And here I am searching for an unknown place I don't even want to go to.

But what are my options? I have tried everything from running away from the house to complaining to the police.

Nothing worked.

They always are able to find me. They even are able to handle police and school authorities without any problem. That's why I thought my family is part of a mafia gang. That would explain a lot of things.

'Run' I heard the voice again.  "I am walking" I replied back to it. I am not a fan of sports, or even having a walk on that matter, simply because  I get tired easily. So running is out of option.

But that's not what it wants.

'Faster' it said.

"Listen I am not sure who and what you are yet, as you don't like to reply to me, but I am not taking orders from you. I am already tired and hungry, so don't mess with me right now and I------". I stopped mid-sentence when I heard it or I should say felt it.

Something is behind me and that something is not here to make friends.

'Run' it said.

I stopped thinking and started running like crazy. But as I have already stated above, I am not an athletic person.

I took a turn and reached an alley.

No no no this is not good. This the favorite place of all kinds of monsters. It is written in every book!

I turned around, hoping to find another way to run to, but froze where I was.

It was not intentional. My body forgot how to function the second I saw him, or her, I am not sure. But this him/ her is not a human. It can't be. It is tall with long claws and sharp teeth. It has eyes black, totally black. Its skin is ice pale.

I was trying to observe it further, to try to understand at least what it is, when he took his first step towards me. With this, all my curiosity is thrown out of the window.

I want to run, I want to scream and I want to cry but I am not capable of even breathing. My heart is pumping so hard in my chest that it is the only sound I can hear.

'Am I going to die?' that is the question going through my mind when I first felt it. This feeling is different. It is something I can't explain in words. Some kind of power, which is pulling me in its direction, at the same time I have a sudden urge to push it away. As much as I want to go near it, I want to run far away from it. This is so confusing. And the monster in front of me is not helping in thinking straight.

First I need to stay away from this.... thing. Then I will think of something else.

With this thought, I took a small step back, which I guess was not appreciated by it. It attacked me with such speed even light won't be able to move.

'This is my end'.

With this last thought, I closed my eyes.

HIDDEN- Sides, Truths, Secretsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن