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I am ready. I need to know what happened.

"Rosemary was the most beautiful and kindest girl you will ever encounter. From her childhood, her beauty was the talk of the town. One day a wizard asked her to marry him, she refused saying she wanted to marry only her mate. That wizard cursed her that her beauty will become her biggest sin. Each and every male creature which will lay eyes on her will not be able to resist her beauty and charm. And all the female will hate her because of their jealousy of her beauty. By doing this the wizard wanted her to stay alone all of her life."

"Did I inherent that curse?!?"

"Yes. You did."

This makes so much more sense now. This is why my very first meeting with every male creature was so.........I don't even know how to explain it.

First with Julian but he is my mate so it was not that odd. However, with Mr. Zombie it was super odd. Jeremy hesitated when he first saw me. The werewolf in The Cold Dungeon also said that he couldn't control himself. But this also means Justin was not at fault for what he did. Mary, as being a female, totally hates me. And my brothers are free from the curse as they are my brothers, they can't think of me that way, right? Or did they just hid it well?

'Breathe ' said the voice.

I looked back at Dolus who was searching my face for a reaction. I didn't give him any and said, "Please continue."

"The curse worked just fine. She grew up alone. All the people who used to adore her now started hating her, even her family. All the males would try to woo her all the time and all the females would bully her."

I feel so bad for her. It was not her fault. And maybe also because I have lived my life all alone. I know how it feels to not have anyone to share your happiness and sorrows with.

"But we were happy together until your father found us. The second he saw her, he said he wanted her. I tried to fight him but he captured me. He made a deal with Rosemary that if she agrees to be his second wife he will let me go alive, otherwise........."

"Second wife?"

"Yes. Rosemary was his second wife. He had all his sons with his first wife. Rosemary only had two girls. You weren't aware of that either?"

"No. I wasn't." So I and the boys have different mothers. They didn't even care to tell me. But I remember when Zee talked about my mother's death, it was so difficult for him. I could tell he was hurt. Was he close to my mother?

"Of course they wouldn't tell you. They want to protect that Zachary."

"What about Zee?"

"That Zachary killed Rosemary."

"WHAT? NO NO NO NO!!! You must have a misunderstanding...........he can't..........."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN MISUNDERSTANDING!? She was my mate. Why will I lie about her death? That Zachary wanted to revenge for his dead mother, who committed suicide after her mate married another female."

"Your eyes......" They are white. That means he is a creature of bright land, just like the murdered woman in my dream, who was also killed by Zee.

Oh, God!

"I apologize. I think this will be enough for today. We will meet again. Soon." Dolus said before getting up.

"What creature was she?"

"She was a fairy, just as I am." He said before leaving the room.

A fairy. It means she was a creature of bright land. She must have white eyes too. Was that not a dream but a memory? A memory of my childhood. A memory of my mother being murdered. A memory of the person I trusted the most betraying me.

But Zee..... No Zee can't do that, can he? No, he can't. He is not that type of a person. Plus I have just met this person. I can't trust him either.

I am trying to make all kinds of excuses but I already know the truth. I know this person was not lying to me. I also know that that dream was not a normal one.

Also, Zee has that mark on his right eye. That's why it was a hard topic for him to talk about. 

Is this the reason he used to come to see me every year, even when his father has forbidden him just as Shane said? Did he felt guilty?

Is this why he reacted that way when he knew I had that dream?

Was he thinking about killing me too?

Is he the one, and not Mary, who betrayed us?

I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what to think anymore.

But one thing I know for sure is that I want my answers and I know who will be able to give them.


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