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Eyes? What's wrong with my eyes?

Even after my question, no one answered.

I tried again, "What about my eyes?"

No answer.

"Oh come on. Speak up. Zee?" I pointed him out specifically as he is the one I know the best in this room."I know you are still hiding something from me. Now speak."

No answer.

"Fine, if that's what you people want," I said loudly, before jumping up from my place and moving towards the exit.

"Where are you going?" Oh, now Zee remembers how to speak. But I am not going to let them control me.

"To hell. Want to join me?" I said as I open the door.

"We should first feed you something."

"Oh come on Zee. I am not a child anymore so stop treating me like one. If you are not gonna talk, fine. Just forget about it." I said on top of my lungs. "I am done with this drama. You people can't control me. I am----"

What caused me to stop was Julian's hand on mine, which he held after crossing the room in vampire speed. "Your wolf takes control whenever you are hungry." He said in a soothing voice.

"What? Wolf?" My voice was the total opposite of his, loud and terrified.

"She is a human," Albert confirmed.

"How will you explain the change of eyes then?" Julian questioned back to him.

"What change of eyes? Were my eyes black too? Am I not human?" I asked Julian, looking straight in his eyes to find some answers.

"But she is your sister. She should be a wolf too," added Jeremy.

My both hands suddenly flew to my mouth automatically as the realization hit me. My family is a family of werewolves. But I am not a wolf. I am a human, right?

That's it. This is the reason. "Is this why I was discarded from the family?" I said it to myself in a very low and defeated voice.

"You was never discarded," Albert said. Their hearing is good. Of course, it is, they are wolves!!

"Your father may disagree with you," Julian said in a venom-filled voice to Albert.

My father? What did he do?

But whatever Julian said Albert didn't disagree to it.

Zee stared blankly at Julian but his expressions change, just as he understands what Julian is talking about.

Rest all of our companions looked as lost as I was. None of them moved or talked and their faces told me that the only thing they know is that this conversation is pretty serious.

"You knew?" Zee finally asked Albert.

Albert didn't even acknowledged Zee's question and kept staring at Julian in a scary way, like warning him about something. Julian is also staring Albert back but with a face full of questions.

Don't ask me how I know all of this. I just do okay. I have a strong gut feeling, which is hardly ever wrong. Is this one of the powers of wolfs? But I am a human. God, this is so confusing.

Now even Zee stopped asking questions.

Everyone and everything was so quiet that I can even hear the wind blowing outside. One can easily point out the high amount of tension in the room which is increasing by every second.

I need to stop this. But what can I do? Come on Rose think. Think of something.

When I was trying to decide what to do, my stomach did the job on my behalf.

Rumbling of my stomach was not so loud, but it was enough for all the not-so-human people present in the room to focus their attention to me. And I was so embarrassed that I wanted nothing more than the ground to eat me up.

However, this does decrease the tension in the room.

Before it started increasing again.

HIDDEN- Sides, Truths, SecretsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon