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The second I said that word, each and every person in the room stopped and started staring at me as I have suddenly grown another head.

Jeremy, whose back was towards me when he was trying to protect me, turned his head around and gave me a look, I am not quite able to comprehend. It is something between surprise and anger.

But I am unable to find my fault in this whole situation.

Even Julian is giving me similar looks as of his brother. All the softness has left his eyes, which are looking at me with a blank expression.

I am hurt. I don't know why, but I am hurt. Hurt to the point that it almost feels like physical pain. I don't, at all, like him looking at me like the way he is.

I didn't give him such looks when it was revealed that he is a vampire. Why is he treating me like this?

Now I want to cry. I want to ask him what his problem is and I want him to stop looking at me like this. This is just too much to handle for me.

We were so business staring at each other that we almost forgot there are other people in the room too, at least I did, until Mr. Creepy ill-manned guy spoke, "Zachary, you know this hunter too?"

Zachary? Zee's name is Zachary? And who hunter? Me?

Till this time Julian and the pain was long forgotten. My whole focus is on this Mr. Creepy ill-manned zombie guy, who is doing a very good job in making me angry.

'Hide' the voice said. Hide? No. Never.

He notices me glaring at him and smirks in my direction. Oh, I just want to punch him so hard. "As she is familiar with so many of my old friends, I will let her live." He said. But something tells me there is going to be a but in his statement and I was right. "But she needs to be my pet for a week."

What? What did he just said? His pet? I can feel other people in the room are also angry but anger will be a small word for what I am feeling right now.

He smirked and asked me directly, "So, what do you think? I promise I will be a good master and I will be gentle to you. You just have to do what I order you to-----"

I stopped him in mid-sentence, not being able to control my anger anymore and said, "Oh you know what I think? I think you have lost your mind!! What was it again? Being your pet? Pet my foot!! And what? Take your order? I swear to God if you said another word I will rip your head off your shoulder with my bare hands and feed it to my pets!!! Then you won't be able to order anyone Mr. Whatever in the hell is your name!!"

I can seriously see all the color leaving Mr. Creepy zombie guy's face as he took a step back. He surely wasn't expecting me to teach him his place. When he recovered from the shock, he took a step towards me.

I didn't move. Not even an inch. Not because I am scared, this time it's my anger, confusion, and irritation towards all these events that hid my fear somewhere in the corner of my mind. I am ready to fight this guy. Not sure how but I am ready.

But my fight with him was not approved by many people present in the room. In a blink of an eye, Zee is standing in front me, protecting me from that zombie guy, so is Julian.

"See, she is a hunter. She killed two of my people and injured about five others and you people are taking her side." Mr. Creepy Zombie guy complained.

This made me more furious and I replied, "The hell are you talking about. I am neither any kind of hunter nor I have killed anyone. Keep your stupid allegations to yourself Mr. Creepy zombie guy!!!"

"What did you say?" He asked getting angry himself.

"Are you deaf or are you simply so dumb for not being able to comprehend what I am saying?!" I said screaming on top of my lungs.

"Rose" that came from Zee in order to stop me from saying anything further but now is not a good time to command me.

"What? He started it first! It's not my fault, its Mr. Creepy, ill-manned and stupid zombie guy 's fault!!" I purposely extended his name only to piss him further, which worked just fine.

"You are so dead, hunter! Take it all back!!" He ordered.

"Did I forget to inform you that this girl DO NOT take orders from ANYONE?" I replied.

Then Zee turned around while getting a hold of my shoulders and said in a calm voice, "Rose, calm down."

I look in his eyes and understood how serious he is. I take a deep breath, trying to 'calm' myself, which is not working at all. I am still super furious.

"That's it! I have had enough. I want that hunter girl as my slave for the rest of her pitiful life!" Mr. Zombie guy said.

That's it! That was the last line that he crossed. Even without realizing, my body started moving on its own and the next thing I knew was I am punching Mr. Zombie guy in the face, hard. Hard enough that he flew across the room and hit the wall, causing a huge hole in it.

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